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Y/n's POV

"First day." I sighed. "What could go wrong?" I talked to my self as i adjusted my white coat and placed my hand on the handprint scanner.

"Access Granted, Welcome back Doctor L/n."

I speed walked down the lightly dark hallways as i arrived at the first door.


»Patient 01«

Name: Im Nayeon

Age: --

Reason/s: School and Family admitted her for murdering number of people because of her disorder.

»Narcissistic Personality Disorder »Histrionic Personality Disorder

Info/Background: Killed 14 students in a day saying those one's who are more prettier than her should die, Family sent her to multiple specialist, no treatement worked and on the last resort, decided to sent her here.



"Gee, Good thing i look like a potato." I mumbled as i placed my hand on the handprint scanner, as a beep was heard i opened the door.

A glass room was found in the middle, inside was a white bed and a bedside table.

A short-haired girl wearing all white sitting at the middle of the glass room staring at the glass wall from inside.

Her gaze landed on mine as she smiled creepily.

"Hello, I'm Y/n L/n you're new doctor." I smiled as i approached the glass wall.

"Well, Hello there.. New Doctor." She smiled creepily again as i internally shivered.

"Y/n would be nice thanks." I said as she slammed both of her hands on the glass wall making me flinch in process.

Damn, She's taller than me..

"Do you think you can help me? I bet you can't.. Others left and i thought they would stay." She pouted which i found cute. "Such a shame, i bet you're like them too." She gave me a disgraced look.

I chuckled bitterly.

"Oh, Darling.. i'm not like them." I smiled. "I will help you no matter what even if you like it or not, It's my job to help you even if you think you're already helpless and it's not just my job i also love to help people with mental disorders." I added.

"I would like to kill you because of that pretty face of yours.. but you calling me darling, Fireworks seem to appear on my stomach." She crossed her arms. Oh shit, here comes histrionic personality disorder. "And do you think i'm crazy?" She glared at me.

"That's kind of flattering Ms Im although i didn't say you're crazy and i'm not planning to call you crazy just because you're in an Asylum." I smiled as she blushed.

"Oh, Nayeon would do, Y/n." She smiled, seems like she's normal.. Oh yeah, Mood swings. "So, if you will not leave like others.. You might become like one of us right?" She added smiling creepily.

"Oh, I doubt that." I smiled. "But you know i'm very desperate on helping you.. don't you want to escape this shithole because of me?" I asked.

"And marry you afterwards? Oh please do!" She smiled widely not creepily, showing her bunny teeth.

"Hmm.. only if you will listen to me." I smiled as she quickly nodded. I glanced at my wristwatch. "Seems like i will have to go." I sighed.

I glanced back at her to see her pouting.

"You're coming back right?" She gave me the puppy eyes as i giggled before nodding.

"Be good okay?" I said as i held the door knob after giving her a wave.

"Nae! Saranghae!" She yelled as i giggled before stepping out.


A/n's Note

Bonjuru, Call me BonBon!

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