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Just get used to it and everything will be okay


Y/n's POV

I stared at Momo's sleeping state as she slightly smiled, i chuckled as i sighed standing up.

I exited the room as i walked towards the 4th room, my breathe became shallow as i bit my lip before peeking inside after handscanning to see sana arranging things on her glass room.

I smiled as i quietly closed the door walking towards the glass room as she took the book i gave her yesterday.

Sana smiled while staring at the book but ended up with a sad sigh. I frowned as i tapped the glass wall.

She snapped her neck towards me as her eyes widened, she rubbed her eyes squinting them after to see if i'm really real.

I laughed as she blinked a few times.

"Y-Y/n-chan? I-I-Is that really you?" Her eyed slowly widening as i giggled while nodding. "WAAAHH!!" She squealed.

I cleared my throat as i opened the glass door after handscanning as i glanced at her to see her jaw dropped.

"I'm real and I'm okay." I gave her a close-eyed smile as wind pass through me.

I opened my eyes to see her hugging me in a careful way as she sniffed my hair

"I wish i could hug you tighter but i don't want to hurt you." She mumbled as i chuckled.

"This is one of the phrase on that book right?" I giggled as she lets out a muffled laugh after.

"A-Are you really okay?" She asked letting go of the hug inspecting me as i nodded, she sighed in relief as she wiped her happy tears while laughing.
"But i can't still hug you that tight right?" She added.

"Yeah, or else it will hurt." I pointed at my wound as she pouted, i giggled as she led me to a new chair.

"I requested for a new chair just for you! And.. since i don't know your favorite color.. i got you a black one." She shyly said glancing at me from time to time.

Where did her confidence go?

"Aww, that's so sweet of you Sana! Don't worry i like black, it's like my favorite color." I smiled sitting down as her smile widened.

"I also started drinking ginger and lemon tea since you also said that it was your f-favorite." She looked down after sending me a bashful smile.

"You don't really have to if you don't like ginger and lemon tea." I frowned as she shook her head.

"Don't worry, i love them." She smiled. "I mean if you do too.." She mumbled as i chuckled.

"So, How is the book?" I asked as Sana looked up.

"It's really good! And cute! Both of them are really sweet although i don't like the girl who is trying to steal her girlfriend and did you know?! She was about to kill her but then her girlfriend stopped her and just talked to that snake to not bother her and her girlfriend anymore!" Sana clapped excitedly as i giggled.

"B-But it's quite sad." She sighed a si raised a brow. "I didn't know what happened during their travelling around the world.. is there a book 2?!" She added scooting closer.

"I'll look for it." I smiled as she frowned.

"You don't really have to i mean.. you're wasting money because of me." She uttered as i chuckled.

"But it's worth it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"How so?" She raised her brow.

"Oh darling, you don't have to know." I smiled at her as she chuckled shaking her head.

"I think you're starting to go crazy.."

"I think so too."

"..For me"

Oh no--

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