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Wait for someone who would do anything to be your everything.


Y/n's POV

"Pancreas and Liver is the same, right?" Dahyun asks looking over the others, we've been eating in the cafeteria for 5 minutes now and they started asking questions.

"No, they're not." Jihyo frowns, giving the milk girl a look.

"Pancreas is in your abd-abdomen!" Chaeyoung tics, her head jerking.

"And so as the liver." Dahyun blinks a few times as Jeongyeon whips her head towards the girl.

"No shit sherlock! Of course they aren't the same! No wonder they don't have the same name!" Jeongyeon exclaims almost breaking her chopsticks in half.

"Easy on her, she's just asking a question." Tzuyu clicks her tongue, rolling her eyes at the same time as Chaeyoung quickly nodded.

"P-Pancreas.." Chaeyoung mumbled, "Y/n-c-chan! i w-want to eat y-y-your pancreas!" She turns her head to me as well as the others as i confusingly looked at her.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I blinked a few times in confusion.

"She meant that she--"

"Huh?! You eat human body parts?!" Jeongyeon exclaimed cutting Mina off midway.

"W-Wait no!" Chaeyoung quickly shook her head in denial "I meant that--!!"

"I want to eat your pancreas means i want to be with you forever, idiot.. it's a phrase in japan." Sana deadpanned silencing others as she continued eating.

. . .

. . .

. . .

"Well, I'm gonna eat her pancreas first!"


"Don't act like the main character here, Chaeyoung!" Jeongyeon growls as Nayeon snaps her neck towards the latter.

"Uh! Hello?! Well, of course! We all know that i'm the main character here!" Nayeon stands up flipping her hair back as Jeongyeon squinted her eyes on the bunny girl before arguing with each other.

"I hate people in here."

"Please stop fighting!"

"What a pain in the ass.. hey shut the fuck up!"

"Stop fighting infront of the food, you ill-mannered little assholes!"

I shook my head as the guards tried to separate their seats.

'This is going to be a long day..'


We all went up to the rooftop with few guards behind us as the rooftop door opened.

"Woah.." They cooed as we finally arrived at the fenced rooftop as the wind passed by us, getting chilly.

"Look! Mina-chan! Sky!" Momo pointed up the blue bright sky as Mina smiled and nodded.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung started running around chasing each other.

Mina and Momo sitting and writing on their papers.

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