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how silly of me to forget that i'm the love of my life


"Eh? For what?" I asked as Jyp nim placed down a file he's currently reading.

"Seeing how they act at night." Jyp nim sat on his seat as i gave him a 'are you serious' look.

"Uh.. they sleep?" I said with a 'duh' tone as he shrugged his shoulders pointing at the security cam as i facepalmed, Somi approached me and patted my shoulder comfortingly as i just smiled at her.

"I'm just going to take a quick bath." I smiled at her as she nodded.

"Wait. Do you have any clothes??" Somi asks as i nodded. "I have some pjs' on my bag." I giggled as i jogged my way towards my desk taking my towel and pjs' for the night.

Somi assisted me outside the empty but bright hallways as we arrived by the bathroom door.

"I'll just wait here." Somi smiled as i shook my head.

"You can go back now, i can go alone from here unless you want to watch me take a bath." I teasingly said as she blushed causing me to laugh loudly.

But little did you know someone was watching you two afar.

Sana growled as she stops when someone growled with her, she looked back to spot Jeongyeon also peeking outside her door.

"The fuck you looking at you damn squirrel?!" Jeongyeon growled again as Sana glared at her.

"And what the fuck are you staring at you creep!" Sana gave her a disgraced look as Jeongyeon widens her eyes.

"You were staring too!" Jeongyeon exclaimed pointing at the two girls teasing each other from afar.

"Where the hell are your guards?" Sana glared at her.

"A-And where's yours?! Why is your door unlocked?!" Jeongyeon stammered pointing at the orange haired girl. They paused for awhile as they snapped their heads on the hallways.



They both yelled and slammed their doors close.

"Eh? Escaped?" Somi frowns as she walked away finding out what's going on. I chuckled at the two's silliness as i entered the bathroom full of cubicles that shows my face, neck and legs.

Two other figure is taking a shower as i shrugged and placed my clothes on the wooden bench just by the lockers, i started stripping as i entered one of the cubicles turning the water on as i felt a presence beside me to see Nayeon moving cubicles.

"Hey Y/n." She smiled at me as i smiled back.

"Hey Nayeon and Jihyo." I smiled at them as Jihyo smiled back.

"I heard you were staying the night." Nayeon gave me a goofy smile as i giggled and nodded.

"From whom?" i asked. "How come you guys know before me?" I chuckled as Nayeon hums.

"We kinda eavesdropped earlier." Nayeon shrugged her shoulders as I nodded.

"Alright, but you can't do that on public okay? It's kinda rude." I shrugged my shoulders and started washing my self.

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