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You can't decide on who you will fall inlove with that's why sometimes you'll end up falling apart with a broken heart


Y/n's POV

We witnessed what happened at Tzuyu's room, All the screaming and the raging.

"I have to go b-b-back and i h-have to give this t-to them." I struggled sitting up as she i held on my wound pointing at the last bag the guards took from Dahyun's room.

"It's not safe, Doctor L/n." Jyp-Nim stated. "We are extremely cautious on what will happen to you afterwards, after you've been stabbed by one of your patients." He shook his head with a sigh.

"It was my fault! I blocked it then i was stabbed!" I gritted my teeth as he sighed.

"But still i think we need you to have a day off tomorrow, The patients still needs some time and space." Jyp-nim stated.

"They need me!"

"Please go home now, Doctor
L/n." One of the guard said.

"We can handle them." One of the guards also said.

"How? By beating them up?!" I gave them a face of disgrace as i snapped my head towards Jyp-nim.

"I'm only leaving if.. You'll fire these guards and hire new ones." I clenched my fist as Jyp-nim raised a brow.


"Shut up." I pointed at one of the guards that was about to talk. "I'll wait until tomorrow." I glared at them as i took the last bag walking outside.

I sighed as i entered my car, i drove to my friend's mansion. The guards recognized my car as they let me enter.

I opened the large glass door as i went to the kitchen to see Sohyun, Kim Sohyun.

"Sohyun-ah~" I whined as i hugged her as she jumped.

"AISH! YOU STARTLED ME!" She yelped as i laughed but my smile quickly dropped with a sigh. "Why? What's with the long face?" She asked as she fanned her hands.

I sat on the dining table.

"I was stabbed!" I groaned as i covered my eyes. "Mina must be blaming herself right now! She stabbed me with a pen and i'm worried others might beat or worse kill her!" I sighed.

"Wait wait wait wait!! ok that explains the blood stain on your shirt but YOU WAS STABBED!" Sohyun exclaimed with wide eyes as she sat infront of me.

"You was stabbed?" I chuckled as she inspected me.

"Mina? Who is mina? You were stabbed by a pen?! What's the problem with that? I was stabbed by a pen when i was in 1st grade." Sohyun laughed as i frowned.

"Mina! My Asylum patient and I was stabbed in the stomach! A pinky finger deep!" I shivered at the thought.

"Oh shit." She placed a palm on her mouth.

"Oh shit, Indeed." I sighed as i dropped my head on the dining table.

"Wait, Why would they beat Mina?" She frowned as i blinked a few times. "Who are you for them?" She asked.

"Uh.. Their doctor?" I asked as she gave me a bored look.

"Why would they beat mina because of that? Come to think of it! If you were an Asylum patient and one of your friends stabbed your doctor would you beat that friend?" She asked as she frowned. "Of course not! You'll just wait for your doctor to come back!" She added.

"But they.." I bit my lip.

"They maybe love you as a Lover." She deadpanned as i frowned.

"How can they love me as a Lover if i'm just a Doctor and.. some of them aren't even comfortable with me!" I ruffled my hair in frustration.

"Idiot, If the person you like is in a same room with you would you be comfortable? Of course not! You'll be uncomfortable by the uncomfortable silence." She clicked her tongue as she tapped the table with her fingernails. "Aaandd love is blind even if you're poor or rich, ugly or pretty if they love you then they love you! You can't decide on who you'll fall inlove with." She added.

"No, I still disagree with that." I shook my head as i stood up walking outside.

"You're just dense!" She yelled from inside as i sticked my tongue at her.

»Next Day«

I closed my car door as i carried the bag from yesterday, i walked inside the big white building as i greeted the receptionist before signing for attendance.

I walked inside Jyp-nim's Office as he flinched as soon as he saw me.

"I already told you, It's your day off today!" He exclaimed with a high pitched tone.

"Did you fire the guards?" I asked ignoring his statement as i wore my white coat.

"Of course." He sighed as i nodded before entering the large steel door as he followed behind.

"Doctor L/n, You shouldn't really be here." He whispered as i glanced at the new female guards walking around the hallways.

I clapped my hands gaining their attention.

"I'm Doctor Y/n L/n and i have an announcement! If i saw you beating or dragging one of my patients you better pack and go home you hear me?!" I yelled as a chorus of yes echoed around the hallways.

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