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Y/n's POV

I speed walked again to the next door aa i opened the second file.


»Patient 02«

Name: Yoo Jeongyeon

Age: --

Reason/s: Civilians admitted her for violent acts and murder.

»Intermittent Explosive Disorder
»Obssesive Compulsive Disorder

Info: Murdered her own family because she was abused by them, patient has suffered PTSD and has a very disturbing childhood, involved in gang affiliations. Was sent to multiple mental hospitals and Specialists but no treatment worked and on the last resort, they decided to sent her here.

WARNING: Proceed neatly and carefully, Do not provoke the patient, If having a panic attack comfort immediately.

P.S: Often have panic attacks and gets triggered in everything that is disarranged.


I sighed as i closed the file before placing my hand on the handprint scanner, a beep was heard as i went inside.

"It was not me.. it was not me.." Someone muttered as i approached the glass room.

A neat white mattress on the floor and arranged pillows, And a figure sitting on the mattress.

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n, your new doctor." I smiled as the figure raised her head as she glared at me.

I cleared my throat as she stood up walking towards me.

"I don't care who the fuck you are and enter this fucking room now." She growled as i blinked a few times.

"May i ask why?" I asked.

"STOP ASKING AND JUST ENTER DAMN IT!!" She yelled as i flinched.

"Sorry, Ms Yoo but i feel threathened right now.." I tilted my head as she sighed her angry expression left her face.

"Sorry." She uttered as i was taken aback. "I just hate your coat." She growled as i glanced at my messy coat.

I smiled as i placed my hand on the handprint scanner on the glass door of her room.

"Access Granted."

"What are you-- DON'T COME INSIDE! I MIGHT HARM YOU!" She tightly closed her eyes as i froze.

The door automatically locked sealing me inside.. with her.

I hesitantly stood infront of her as i held both of her cold and pale hands.

"Would you like to fix my coat?" I smiled as she snapped her eyes open as she widened her eyes staring at me.

"W-What..?" She uttered as i signalled her to fix my coat. She shakily straightened them as i smiled. "No one has ever entered this glass room when i'm inside.." She added.

"So.. I'm first?" I asked as she nodded. "Glad to hear that." I smiled.

"Y-Yoo Jeongyeon.." She took her hand out as i gently shook it.

"Y/n L/n, But i prefer if you call me
Y/n." I smiled as she blushed. "Uhh.. Are you perhaps blusing?" I asked as she glared at me.

"If you tell anyone i'll fucking break your neck." She whispered fisting my collar.

Wrong move!

"Don't worry i won't." I smiled nervously as she let go before fixing my collar.

I looked around to see everything clean as a clean cloth and a bleach is found at the side.

What's up with them? The patient could have drink that bleach!

"I see you noticed the bleach, it's not like i would drink that." She scoffed. "You see i'm not crazy! I shouldn't be here!" She growled.

"Then why are you here?" I asked as my gaze landed on a container full of lego on the side of her pillow.

"I- hm." She hummed before sighing. "Maybe b-because i have a mental disorder.. a w-worse one." She sighed again.

"Exactly.. You're not crazy!" I smiled looking back at her to see her with wide eyes. "Well, for my opinion.." I giggled.

"I highly doubt that.. i mean i see myself as a not entirely crazy person but there's a part of me saying i really am." She sighed as her shoulders dropped.

"You just don't want to accept the truth." I said as she slowly nodded. "Well, for me.. i accept the truth that you're crazy but there's also a part of me saying you're not! And that's why i'm helping you to change the truth!" I smiled as she chuckled.

"You're really something.." Jeongyeon stated and chuckled again.

I glanced at my wristwatch, Shit.. i'm late 4 minutes! I turned towards her.

"I probably should get going now." I smiled.

"Yeah, It was nice talking to someone who is not that scared of me even if they have to." She sarcastically chuckled as i giggled. "But, if you say what happened here i'll break your nose too got it?!" She growled as i nodded.

"Goodbye Ms Yoo! Be good without me!" I waved as i exited the glass room.

"Just call me Jeongyeon." She said as i smiled before nodding.

I exited the room as i exhaled the breathe i'm holding for a long time. I held my chest where my heart is beating rapidly as i shakily stepped away.

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