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Last Page

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Y/n's POV

I slowly walked towards Mina's room as i wiped my tears that stained in my cheeks earlier.

I took a deep breathe as i handscanned and entered the room to find the Glass room empty.

'Huh?' I blinked a few times as i felt a weight on my chest causing me to breathe heavily.

N-No.. she's still here right..?

I slowly opened the glass door without handscanning which confused me.

I looked around to see a paper at the middle of the room as i walked towards it and sat on the floor. I took the teared page as i inspected it.

I felt my chest tightened as i gulped at the same time.

Mina's Last Page

Today is my release and I'm so happy! Of course all of this is a blessing gave by an Angel - Y/n-chan.

Throughout the Months of us having fun and getting closer, this year became one of the best years i ever had inside an Asylum.

Y/n-chan is really kind! From the first day we met she was really soft and gentle , Y/n-chan thought me a lot of things i don't know since i was admitted in this Asylum, Y/n-chan treated me as a normal person and even gave me gifts! Y/n-chan was the only friend i got even though i hurt her for how many times and i'm very thankful for it.

Although i couldn't have the confidence to confess to her on how i feel even though she gave me confidence on living on the outside world, funny how i even asked what's the feeling of being in love even though the way she loved me wasn't romantic at least she treated me as a friend.

Onn all of our memories i just wish i got to confess to her, but either way i also hope she will read this..

Y/n-chan! Thank you so much! You're one of the greatest blessings that came into my life and gave me a chance to live again! If it were not for you i would have been stuck in here with my own thoughts forever! Have you seen the changes? I was really shy and crazy those past few years but you managed to change you even made me realize what the feeling is when falling inlove Thank you for giving me answers! I love you <3

-Mitang <3

"M-Mina?" I called as I looked around the empty glass room as i shook my head.

No.. wait..

I ran outside as i quickly opened the large steel door which leads to Jyp-nim's office as i held the paper on my hand.

"W-Where is Patient 6?" I asked between as my voice cracked as he placed down he's cup of coffee.

"Oh? Myoui Mina? I think she's outside now." He stated as i swallowed the lump on my throat.

I sprinted out, taking the elevator down as i quickly jogged out the building to see the large gate open with a van outside.

And Mina standing on the middle of the pathway.

"Mina?" I called as she quickly turns around, slowly curving a small smile as i jogged towards her.

"Oh? Were you crying?" Mina worriedly stared at me as she cups my cheeks. I shook my head in denial wiping my tears as she softly chuckled.

"Ms Myoui! We're ready to go!"

The Driver calls as she sighs before facing me again with a small sad smile, her gaze moving down the paper in my hands as she sighs in content while giving me a look that she already said what she said as i slowly nodded.

"Thank you.." She sincerely stated before holding my hand as she finally lets go.

I'm sorry...

She finally walks away stopping by the gate to look back at me again.


I stood on my place watching her enter the van as they finally drove off. Looking down my hand to see a penguin keychain.

After a few seconds a tear left my eye as it dropped on her page.

Her last page..

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