Part 1 - Troubles

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It was what seemed like a normal day, at least, from first glance. The sun came out the same as it did every morning and filled the plantation with light.
"Hiro?" A voice said.
"Hiro?" They repeated
It wasn't till this voice said it the third time, that Hiro was alerted.
"Hiro!" Hiro was somewhat startled and turned his head to see Ichigo pouting at him.

"I called you three times!" She yells as she folds her arms

"Sorry..." mumbles Hiro
"I was in a daze"

"Well, breakfast is ready and we need to pray" Ichigo says demandingly

She then grabs Hiro's sleeve and drags him to the table where Miku, Zorome, Futoshi, Ikuno, Mitsuru, Kokoro, Goro, Ichigo and Zero Two were all there waiting for him.

"Hiro, we honestly didn't think you'd come this morning" says Zorome
Hiro looks down at the floor, his eyes fixed to it, unable to make any eye contact with everyone at the table.

"He's here because I snatched him before he could run off" Ichigo explains
Hiro stays silent while the others chatter at the table.

"Darling, is everything alright?" Zero Two asks
Hiro looks up from the floor, Zero two has made room for Hiro to sit.
"Take a seat darling, I bet you're hungry" she licks her lips, it was somewhat mesmerising.

"O-oh yeah...Sure" Hiro places himself next to Zero Two.
Even though males aren't allowed on the females table, everyone has just gotten use to this at this point, so no one bothers to question them.

"Shall we pray?" Ichigo says. Everyone nods, except Hiro and Zero Two.
Zero Two just continues to smother the honey all over her pink lips while Hiro continues to look downwards at the food in front of him.
Hiro looks unsettled, he hasn't spoken much and hardly attends breakfast, lunch or dinners. It's been two weeks since Hiro's behaviour had become so rigid. All the rest of the group know is that Hiro has been going to see doctor Franxx quite often for checkups and the reason is unknown.

Ichigo begins to pray.
"We thank papa for the food we eat, for the life he has given us children and to fight th-"
Ichigo is stopped by a large smashing sound, the sound of plates and glasses being thrown into a million pieces.
Hiro stands up, hands firm on the table where the glass plates beneath his finger tips are broken to bits and red blood seeping from his skin.

"Enough" he mumbles
Everyone stares he him blankly. Hiro isn't the same person he was a few weeks ago, he's become... c o l d.
"Darling! You're bleeding!" Zero two shouts as she grabs a napkin to stop the bleeding.
Hiro pulls away.

"Where are you go-" Goro is interrupted. He is given a dark ominous glare from Hiro and then he just walks off. The door slams shut and it shakes the room, everyone still in shock from the incident that had just occurred.

"What just happened?" Ikuno asks.
Everyone shrugs with uncertainty. Zero Two's eyes fill with sorrow and defeat.

"I wish I knew what is troubling him" her eyes are filled with tears as she speaks
"He's not the same darling that he use to be"
The room stays silent, they never finished the end of the prayer and went straight to eating. All was heard was the sound of the knives and forks clashing together at once.

Zero Two couldn't finish her meal, she was far too concerned now. They finished up their breakfast and Zero Two begins to walk toward Hiro's room to see what has been troubling him.

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