Part 5 - Red

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They are injecting Hiro with Klaxosaur blood?!
Zero Two didn't know what to do, the adrenaline kicked in through her blood stream, she could hear the sound of her own heartbeat and her body felt as if she could run a marathon. She was very angry.
This whole time they were experimenting on him and I didn't even notice!

A million thoughts clouded through her mind, guilt and frustration, she blamed herself.
I can still stop them
She no longer cared if she was caught, her darling was being used and all she could do was watch.

"Darling!" She yells

Dr Franxx and Hiro turn towards her by the sound of her screaming. Straight away, near by workers were alerted and immediately grabbed hold of her.

"Zero Two!" Hiro yells back
Him saying her name, it felt like the Hiro she knew again. In the moment it felt as if everything were in slow mo and Hiro looked like himself again but everything was fuzzy so what would she know? He reached out his spare arm, while the other remained strutted down to the chair.

Zero Two kicked and shoved, shrugging one off her but it wasn't enough to pull away.

"Do it now!" Yells Dr Franxx.
Zero Two watches as the blue blooded serum entered Hiro's body as one of the subjects pushed down the rod of the needle, at the same time, she was being injected with a sleeping serum. She tried to fight it, she couldn't believe her eyes and wanted to take Hiro far away from this horrible place.

she tried to scream but it turned into a little mumble as she loses all consciousness of her surroundings and Hiro. In the end, she couldn't do anything.

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