Part 13 - Awakening

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"Hiro?" Says Nana

"Hiro can you hear me?"

Hiro isn't conscious but Nana is doing everything in her power to keep him stable.

"What's going on?!" Yells Goro as he runs into the room from all the commotion.

"Do you know where zero two is?!" Yells Nana

Goro nods his head.
"I believe she went to catch some fish from the ponds" Goro replies.

Hiro jerkingly moves around in the bed, flinching and groaning as the change abrupt's his body.

"Go get her now! Hiro is finally waking up!" She yells urgently.

Goro doesn't say a word and runs off out the room to alert the others of what is happening.


"We haven't got enough food supplies" says Ikuno
"They'll last us at least another month but that's it"

The crops have began to shrivel and die after all the constant care they have given them.
"What do we do then?" Asks Zorome
A silence fills the room, no one knows what to say or do.

"We just have to keep trying" Ichigo says.

Goro runs into the room and tells them the news about Hiro.
Their shocked faces light the room with a ray of hope.

They don't think and all run off to go look for Zero Two who is by the borders of the mansion. Hiro needs Zero Two, that's the only way he will get through this. Nana and Hachi stay back with Hiro as the nines monitor Kokoro, Mitsuru and their newborn child.

"Zero Two!" They all yell repeatedly.

"Where are you Zero Two?!"
They look around, everywhere but she is no where to be seen. The borders are a concerning place to be and they began to fear that she had been found and taken by papa.

"This is where she usually goes, right?" Asks Ikuno
Ichigo nods

"I've been with her before and this is where we went" she replies

They continue calling her name. 5 minutes pass but it feels much longer. Ichigo looks into a bush where she see's Zero Two's clothes being deliberately hidden.
Then as she looks into the pond beside the bush, she watches as the water makes ripples as if vibrations in the earth were moving them. She then looks further into the water to see a naked pink haired girl swimming underneath the water. It's Zero Two.

"Zero Two!" Ichigo yells while guarding her hands around her lips to make her voice sound louder.

Zero Two pulls her head up and flicks back her lush pink hair. The others stand behind Ichigo as Zero Two swims towards them.

"What are you all doing here?" She asks
"You shouldn't be here"

The group sigh with relief. 10 minutes have passed.

"Hiro, he's waking up!" Says Ichigo
"But he needs you!"

Zero Two doesn't believe her ears. For a moment she thought they were lying but why would they lie about such a thing? Her eyes light up brighter than they have ever been and she runs out of the water completely nude!

"Ze-Zero Two!" Says Goro


They all cover their eyes, Zorome pulls one finger off his eye to slightly peak. But Zero Two is overjoyed, she grabs her clothes and rushes towards the mansion ahead of everyone else, she is overjoyed, she can finally talk to her darling again!
She can no longer see the others behind her and suddenly stops to take a breathe.

Rustle rustle

A loud rustling sound comes from a tree behind her, she turns to look and see's dr franxx who has been waiting to speak to her. His cane slides across the ground as he walks closer to her. The others are too far back to see and probably think Zero Two is gone by now.
15 minutes pass.

"Oh Zero Two, fancy meeting you here"

She grits her teeth and let's out a little tch.

"Oh come on, surely you don't hate me that much, I created you, remember?" He brags

"You also hurt Hiro and my friends!" She yaps back.

"Oh yes, 0016, how is he doing these days?" He asks sarcastically.

"What do you want? To capture us?" She says

"No no, no one knows you're here except me"

She doesn't believe him, he may have many tricks up his sleeve. But Zero Two doesn't feel like he's lying and she's always been good at picking lies.

"You don't have to believe me but I assure you, if we were to capture you, we would've done it already" he smiles

He's right.

"Then what do you want?" She nags

"Well of course to check on my girl!" He laughs
"And 0016 of course!"

Zero Two grits her teeth more.

"You are not going anywhere near him!" She yells

"Do tell me, is he awake? stable? Human?"

Another rustle comes from the bushes.

"Why don't you ask me yourself"
A voice says from the bush. The voice sounds familiar. A voice Zero Two hasn't heard for a long time. The voice emerges from the bush.
It is Hiro.

(Going to start chapter names, thank you for the support!)

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