Part 11 - Truth

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They sit in the large living room, 4 on each couch. The nines are here and plantation 13 as well. The air is tense and they are ready to listen to the harsh truth that awaits them.

"Perhaps we should leave?" Says Alpha
"This really isn't any of our business, so?"

The rest of the nines all nod and walk out the room. Alpha being the last one giving a little wink. They already know the news, all that remains is plantation 13. They all sit on the couch, one by one staring at Nana and Hachi who are standing in the corner of the room. Nana has her arms folded and both their faces seem dim.

"How do I even say this?" Nana itches her head.

The others continue to stare at her and don't say a single word, they are eager to know the truth.

"As you know, Hiro is in the next room lying unconscious" says Hachi.

"What you don't know is that he is currently undergoing an extreme transformation"

There eyes widen, though, Zero Two is not surprised.

"With the blood results we got from him, his chance of survival is very low" continues Hachi.

"However, if he does survive, he won't be human anymore and may have a mind of his own."

"What?" Says Goro.

"What do you mean? He surely can't die from this, right?"

Nana shakes her head.

"it is a very likely. Basically his body is fighting a foreign organism. No human body could ever endure it."

"So you're saying he's going to die?!" Yells Ichigo

They both stay silent. They cannot answer that question knowing it may bring pain and suffering.

"Oh god..." mumbles Kokoro. She lifts her fingers to her face.

Suddenly the squad become incredibly silent and their heads all face down at the carpet beneath them. The birds outside in the distance are louder than their breathing.

"His chance of survival aren't zero! We will do everything we can with the tools utilised here to keep him alive"

"But even if he is alive, he won't be our Hiro anymore, would he?" Zero Two asks.

"That's another thing... with so much reconstruction going on in his body, he may go through a memory wipe or a sudden change in his personality. Of course that is also not 100% but the chances are likely..."

They don't know what to do, they are speechless. What have their efforts been up till now? They sacrificed their food sources, their lives, And now Hiro May die too.

"How long does he have?" Asks Mitsuru

"Mitsuru!" Barks Kokoro

As harsh of a question to ask it is, it needs to be answered.

"We don't know" Hachi answers
"It could be a few days, weeks or even months."

Ichigo sheds a tear that streams down to her chin, one single tear. Zero Two won't and can't say a thing, her mind is being flooded of memories of her darling. She is filled with anger and rage.

"Why would they do this to him!" She yells.

"It's not fair!" Her eyes glow a bright red, she is furious.

"If only I were there for h-" her voice breaks and she is cut off.

Ichigo hugs Zero Two, a tight warm hug of sympathy. She feels warm and safe.

"Don't blame yourself" Ichigo Says.
"It's not your fault" her hug tightens and Zero Two begins to cry.

Screams of sorrow leave her lips, after all she's endured till now, she can now let out that pain. Her screams are so loud, the nines can hear her through the building walls and the others begin to cry as well.
This is the reality and they might as well accept it. All they can wish now is that Hiro remains the way he was and that a miracle can keep he him alive.

Next chapter:
Weeks later of being in the new house, members of plantation 13 and the nines are all forced to make do with the living supplies they have. They are forced to learn new life skills in order to keep themselves alive. Hiro still is unconscious but a surprising new face is brought into their world, Kokoro finally has her first child.

Thank you all for the support. ❤️

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