Part 25 - Termination

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One week later

Upon the return of Hiro and Ichigo, life has started to feel much more normal. The crops are finally starting to sprout and even Ai's face has matured.
Life finally felt normal after what has felt like an eternity of hardship.

Ichigo is recovering well. She goes for frequent check ups but her skin is healing quite nicely. She has never looked at the healing scar as something that Hiro did but rather a token that she saved Hiro, after all, if it weren't for Ichigo, Hiro would be dead right now.

Everyday after dinner, Hiro gets an injection that stabilises him so he won't revert back to his savage ways, of course this is only temporary and with each injection, it becomes more permanent. Ever since the day he had recovered, he has not left Zero Two's side since, and she hasn't ever left his. Both their moods have improved too and it is always smiles when the two of them are around.

As for Dr Franxx, he is still in the basement where the nines are frequently keeping an eye on him, they do not know what exactly to do with him but before they figure that out, Hiro has demanded that he has a chat with him once more.

At the dinner table

"Hey Zero Two, can I please have some mash" asks Hiro

"Sure darling!" Zero Two reaches across the table to grab the mash and passes the bowl to him.

"Thanks" Hiro smiles at her, it's something he does everyday.

The table is much more enjoyable and the aura doesn't feel as tense.

"Well, it's all smiles here now adays, what happened to that doom and gloom that was here a week ago" says Nine Alpha chuckling.
"This too happy environment feels odd to me"

"I don't know, this is a much happier table to be at compared to last week" says Goro. Everyone stares at Hiro.

Hiro eats into his food putting food all over his cheeks.

"Darling, you're making a mess" Zero Two laughs. She has so much colour in her eyes, she looks complete.

"The food is just too good, I had to get every last bit!" Says Hiro.

"Freshly grown! By me!" Yells Zorome. Miku kicks his leg under the table.


"Oh! And Miku!" Zorome corrects himself.

"That's better" she replies.

There is a noise in the distance. The noise being Dr Franxx screaming below the house.

"Ugh, he keeps making noises" says Nine Alpha as he stands up to go to him.

"Alpha, it's okay, I think I'm ready to go and talk to him" says Hiro

Everyone's heads turn to Hiro with their eyes shocked of his words. His voice is much more serious but you can tell he has prepared himself just for this moment.

"Are you sure?" Says Goro

"Absolutely. I mean, you're keeping him down there just for me right? We can't keep him here forever or else he will keep interrupting our dinners" Hiro says.

"That's a good way to put it" says Mitsuru.

"What will we do with him afterwards?" Asks Futoshi.

The table goes silent.

"I say we kill him" says Nine Alpha.

Everyone's faces frown at him.

"What? What other choice do we have? If we send him back out again, he will get more to target us, we let him off before and we almost died, we can't risk it." Explains Alpha.

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