Part 26 - squad 13 (final)

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Dinner had finished and everyone went to their rooms. Apart of them feel guilty knowing that a man they have admired for years is dying just below them. No tears were shed but a silence flowed through the house as if respectfully morning Dr Franxx's death. In the end, he was just another pawn in papa's games and they had set him free as well as themselves.

In the house, Mitsuru and Kokoro are in Ai's room, they are playing games with her.
In another room, Goro, Ichigo and Ikuno are playing a game of chess where it seems Ikuno is in the lead.
And in another room, Miku, Zorome and Futoshi are yelling at each other, no one knows why, it's most likely over stupid reasons.
In the last room of the house is Zero Two and Hiro where they get a nice window view of the plants behind the house.

They hold their hands together staring outside the window at ease knowing that everything is going to be okay.

"Do you think what we did was the right thing? Letting Dr Franxx die like that?" Asks Hiro

Zero Two leans her head on his shoulder.

"Of course darling, as hard as that was, you made the right call" she replies.

Their hands grip tighter.

"You think we'll be okay this time?" Says Hiro
"I just have this horrible feeling that something may go wrong again and I'm scared"

Zero Two shushes him.
"Darling, you're jumping to conclusions. It seems to me that most of our problems are gone and that may mean we can perhaps all get to spend the rest of our wonderful lives here, in this beautiful place."

"But what about the other parasites? Is it okay to just leave them? I mean I feel bad in doing so and I ju-" Hiro is cut off by a kiss.

Hiro presses his lips onto her and they both share a passionate kiss. They both smile and their horns collide together, clashing as they have smiles across their faces.

"In many ways I'm grateful to Dr Franxx, I'm undoubtedly still angry at him for what he did but if it weren't for him, we probably would've never had this peace that we have right now" explains Hiro.

"Let's just enjoy the moment we have now, no words, just take in the atmosphere and relax, everything is going to be okay, I promise." Says Zero Two.

Hiro nods, knowing he isn't allowed to talk but instead to take in the positive energy around the mansion.

They both stare at the plants outside their window. A beautiful red rose flowing with the wind and the birds chirping.
The air smells of flowers, all different kinds of flowers. It smells sweet and fresh, you could taste it on your tongue. They shut their eyes and took a deep in-hail of the sweetened air and let out a little sigh of relief.

"Darling, I love you" says Zero Two.

Hiro is startled by her words.

"I love you too Zero Two"

They turn towards each other pressing their lips and horns together once again. They were finally one again.

The house no longer had a tense feel, it felt more homely than anything they'd ever felt before.

Mitsuru and Kokoro would watch Ai grow into a beautiful young lady while it turns out, Goro and Ichigo had started dating. Miku and Zorome still have their daily tiffs but they're both close at heart. Ikuno continued to work in the laboratory with Hachi, while Futoshi was in charge of making the meals.
As for The nines, they actually went back to the plantations to set free the other parasites. It was a duty for them and the others were all on board with it.

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