Part 3 - I no longer know you

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Zero Two's eyes light up like a Christmas tree, looking at this foreign person in front of her.
"What happened?" She scans the room wondering when he had done all this.
Hiro turns and faces towards the window blocking all face to face contact.

"You don't like what you see?" He says
"I told you to leave me alone, my room like this isn't even a big deal, I can easily replace it"

Zero Two can't believe what she's hearing
"Replace it?" She replies
"Why did you do this in the first place?"

Once again, Hiro doesn't say a word, leaving Zero Two in silence. The silence is broken by an assistant of Dr Franxx who frequently comes by to collect Hiro.

"Code 016, we are ready to see you" says One of Dr Franxx's subjects.

Zero Two can't say a word, her heart feels torn to shreds, she doesn't know what is going on anymore and what she'd tell the others of this. Something is seriously wrong with Hiro.
Hiro puts on his thick white jacket and hat which somehow survived in the commotion of his room rampage, the jacket looked very similar to that of Zero Two's.

"See ya" says Hiro as he walks past her and out the door.

Zero Two is stuck in place, speechless and mind in thought.
What's happened to my darling?
Why is he acting so cold?

"Everything okay Zero Two?" A voice asks from behind her. It's Goro who has been very supportive of Zero Two since Hiro has seemingly disappeared from her life.

"Yes, I'm fine" she lies. She's not fine, her heart is beating so fast and she is choking on her breathing.
Goro walks into the room, suddenly he understands the situation.
"Did he do this?" Goro asks supportively.
Zero Two nods, her face all red and plump from the crying.
"And let me guess, he's gone to see Dr Franxx again?"
Goro seems to read the situation quite well.
Zero Two nods, she cannot speak.

Goro hugs her, the pain zero two must be enduring is immense. Though a few months ago these two were not close, the sudden change of Hiro has brought light into both of their hearts and Goro is highly supportive of her situation.

"I have a plan" Goro explains
"If talking to Hiro won't do us any good, we have to go see for ourselves what they are doing with him"

Zero Two likes this idea, they may get in serious trouble if found out but they would willingly take the consequences if it means getting Hiro back.
It is not only Zero Two who is affected by this, the others of plantation 13 have lost their role model, their friend and it has brought great sorrow to the plantation. Even Nana and Hachi have noticed this.

"We'll help out too" it is the voice of Ichigo along with everyone else behind her.
"Just tell us what we need to do. We'll do it. Let's just get Hiro back" she sounds assertive and as a leader, she takes charge of the responsibility of her teammates.
They explain a potential plan to get into the medical ward unnoticed where they will follow Hiro. The plan sounds promising so they prepare to put it into action.

"Okay" Ichigo says.
"Let's go get Hiro back!"

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