Part 9 - Relocation

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The sound of the backup generator turns on. They're out of time. The room is litt up and the sounds of fans and electricity volt the room.

Dr Franxx let's out a little laugh and smiles, he walks toward a machine beside Hiro, this machine has loads of buttons and switches.
Hiro clearly looks panicked, in the end squad 13 couldn't save him, they were far too late.

"Please! Stop this!" Yells Zero Two
she fears the worse. They really can't do anything but stand there and watch.

Dr Franxx ignores Zero Two and begins to press a bunch of buttons on the machine, it looks confusing, only a mad man could figure it out. Odd sounds were regulating through the machine, the sounds of it being turned on.

Hiro just sits there, grunting and groaning from the pain of the sharp needle tubes all over his body. Some are in his arms, some are in his neck and some on his stomach. He is slightly shaking, Hiro doesn't want this, he's scared, but for some reason, he says nothing.

Dr Franxx flicks a switch which is green, there is a red switch next to it. Through the long extended tubes flows a blue liquid. It moves slowly towards Hiro's body.

If that enters his Body, there's no going back.

As they see this occurring before their eyes, they push harder against the guards, adrenaline kicks in and they feel stronger than they were before.

"Stop!" Shouts Zero Two.
The room echoes as she screams as loud as an ice cream truck. The blood almost reaches through the entire tube.
Hiro's head is sweating and his eyes look as if he'd been worked to death.

"It's okay" he says calmly.
"I'll be fine" he smiles and tightly closes his eyes knowing this couldn't be stopped. Of course, he would've had to accept this reality long ago.

The blood enters into his body, trickles of this dark glowing blue liquid flow through his veins. It can't be stopped anymore.
He lets out a little sigh of relief unknowing of whats to come.

The guards loosen their grips and Zero Two falls to her knees.

"Were we too late?" She mumbles
"What could we have done?"

The rest of the squad fall to the ground, they're confused, what's going to happen to Hiro now? All they could do was take Hiro's word that he will be okay.

He will be okay right?

As the squad lay on the floor in defeat, loud gun shots are heard behind them. It's Nana and the nines. One by one, they shoot the guards with penetrating bullets. These bullets don't do harm but can knock out their opponents for a short period of time and can be extremely painful.

"What are you waiting for?! Get up and grab Hiro!" Yells nine Alpha
"There's still time!"

Hiro is barely conscious, Zero Two heads over to the machine and presses the red switch. The flow stops, one by one, they eject the tubes from him. Goro and Zero Two lift him up with their strength and drag him with him across the hall both arms supporting each other. The others follow. The nines shoot all the guards and workers around, putting them in an agonising sleep.

If it weren't for the nines, Hiro would still be chained down to that machine.
They walk for a little while outrunning all the guards. Eventually the nines fun out of amo and they are forced to leave the plantation and head elsewhere.

They all hop on a ship Nana had prepared for them and head to an abandoned house where they should not be located.

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