Part 14 - Reunion

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"Hiro?!" Smiles Zero Two

Hiro walks closer toward Dr Franxx, currently paying no attention to Zero Two and making little eye contact. His face has a large frown on it and his eyes glow with rage. He says no words and continues to stare into dr Franxx's eyes.

"My goodness Hiro! Is that you?!" Dr Franxx says

"You look so different!"

Hiro does look different, he now has two large blue horns piercing from his head and his eyes a different shade of blue. His nails have excessively grown and when he grits his teeth, you can see his fangs bite against his lip.
Hiro says nothing and walks closer to Dr Franxx, still paying no attention to Zero Two.
He blankly stares into Dr Franxx's eyes and fear overwhelms him. Dr Franxx starts walking backwards eventually being cornered into a tree. Hiro grabs him by the throat and lifts him up choking him.

"Darling! What are you doing?" Zero Two yells

As much as she would want to do this, she would rather she bare the burden instead of him, after all, she has already killed so many.
She runs up towards Hiro and tries to loosen the grip while she continuously yells. She is so glad he's awake but he seems off, perhaps it was the memory blank that Nana and Hachi warned them about? Hiro's face looks scary and inhuman like, Zero Two continues to tug at him but he's far too strong now.

"Hiro! Listen to me!" She yells

Dr Franxx's face begins to turn blue, he is losing oxygen and there is now a small psychotic smile on Hiro's face. Zero Two yells with all her might, she can't let him do this, she can't! But wouldn't it be better if he got revenge on the person that did this to him? No! I won't let him kill him, even though he deserves it, he cannot kill him!
Zero Two can't think straight, every second that loses is a second that Hiro becomes a murderous killer. It's scary. She's touching his skin but it doesn't feel like his skin, it feels foreign and aggressive.

"Look at me!"
She yells as she places her hands on his cheeks and her face in front of him. His smile dims and eyes turn back to normal, as if he was flashed back to reality. Hiro loosens his grip of Dr Franxx and he falls to his feet with his cane following.

"Zero Two?" Hiro says

"Yes, it's me darling" she smiles at him

"I don't know what I was doing just then, one minute I was here and th-"

Zero Two cuts him off with a kiss, a kiss she has so longed for. Their lips collide for the very first time in what seems like an eternity. They both shut their eyes and the kiss lasts a few seconds.

"You don't need to worry anymore" she says

"You're back and that's all that matters" she smiles at him.
joy overpowers her but she can't help but be suspicious of the murderous aura he just had.

They kiss again, this time Hiro leaning in for it. The others finally catch up to see Zero Two and Hiro kissing.

"Hiro!" They all yell as they run towards him.

They're all laughing and everything seems normal, it's hard to believe Hiro almost just killed someone. Smiles flood their faces, with small streams of tears. So much relief.
Nana and Hachi catch up to them too. They must've been chasing Hiro as he was on his way here.

"As you can see" says Nana all puffed out

"He is alive" she falls to the ground. They really did their best and eventually woke him.

Hachi catches her as she falls. Hachi leans her against a tree where she will regain her breathe, he then looks toward the ground to see an unconscious dr Franxx. He ties him to the tree and removes all his belongings as the others walk off back to the mansion.
The questions can come later, after the celebration.

They begin walking back to the mansion, Zero Two clinging to Hiro's arm the whole time as the others spoke about their new life, responsibilities and how Kokoro and Mitsuru had their child.

Everything seemed so normal. For now at least.

(Hope you are enjoying it so far, like for more!)

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