Part 2 - Secrets

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Knock knock
Zero two knocks on Hiro's closed door. She hasn't been in his room for a while, she began to forget how it looked.
"What is it?" She hears on the other side of the door.
"I was wondering if we could talk for a little bit" she asks
Hiro stays silent.

"Something is bothering you, and darling, I want to help you" she clenches her hands onto the door, silently begging him to answer.
"I'm fine" he replies
"I just need some time alone"

Zero Two's knuckles clench even more and her face tenses up.
"What happened to speaking our minds?" She says
"I'm not sure what's going on with you but I assure you, I've been through the same thing" specks of tears fall down her face as she looks back to her past. She lets out a little sniffle.

"I know Zero Two" Hiro replies.
"I'm just angry right now, not at you or the others, it's just-"
He cuts himself off.
"It's nothing important, I assure you" his voice sounded rather believable but Zero Two knew better. He was hiding his frustration to make her feel better.
They were still talking through the door, he clearly didn't want to talk to Zero Two and honestly wanted her to go away.

"Then sit with us at breakfast, lunch and dinner" she explained
"The table isn't the same without you there"

There's a brief silence as the two are on opposite sides of the door.

"I think it's best if I don't come" Hiro says
Zero Two's eyes widen as she is confused of the reason.
"I don't want anyone to get hurt" he goes on

"Why would anyo-" she is cut off.
"I think it's about time you leave"

The pain in her eyes from the sudden change in his character hurt Zero Two, she felt like she didn't know him anymore and was unsure why.

"Is it because I used you? Because I'm a monster?" She begins to question him
"Because I called you fodder and I've hurt your friends? Is that why you don't want to talk to me?" She clenches her teeth and her voice begins to break.

There is no answer from Hiro. He remains quiet behind the door, but Zero Two has had enough. She pulls down the handle and pushes but something is preventing her from opening the door fully.
"Don't do this Zero Two" Hiro says in a way of warning.
"You won't like what you see" he explains.

But Zero Two doesn't care, she wants to know the reason of Hiro's sudden change in character. She continues to push.
"Hiro please! Get out from the doorway! I need to see you!" Her tears turn to waterfalls and her voice breaks with every word.
"What happened to us?"

A large sigh is heard from the other side of the door and the sound of shuffling as if he were moving away.
"If you really want to see what's in here, come in" he explains. His voice doesn't seem to really be bothered.

Zero Two held the door handle, clenched it tightly being afraid of what was on the other side of the door. How strange, she wasn't scared till now. Was she afraid of what she'd see in the room? or the Darling that isn't the one she loved anymore? She was unsure but she knew she had to see the truth or else he'd stay like this cold person forever.
She opens the door and her eyes widen to see his room.
His room is broken, his rose filled flower glasses smashed onto the floor and mirrors torn off the walls in shards, the beds are torn to bits and he just stands in the centre of the room, eyes unseen and head faced towards the ground.

Zero Two is unsure what she's seeing here. She is confused, has so many questions. It almost looked like how Zero Two was before all this. The room looked munted and broken, almost like it was reflecting her darlings soul. No, he wasn't her darling anymore, he was someone else, she didn't know who he was anymore and that really scared her.

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