Part 24 - Reunited at last

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Zero Two awakens in the infirmary bed once again, she had fallen asleep without realising. Suddenly, she remembers the state of Hiro and Ichigo and immediately jumps out of the bed.

She gets a dizzy spell and slips over her feet creating a loud crash sound which alerts the others.

"Ounch" she mumbles as she rubs her head in pain.

Loud footsteps come running towards Zero Two's room and Miku and Zorome barge in.

"Zero Two! Are you okay? We heard a bang!" Yells Miku

Zero Two lifts herself up from the floor.

"I'm fine, I just tripped." She replies rubbing her head excessively.

Miku and Zorome hold Zero Two up supporting her, they sit her down on the corner of her bed.

"How is Ichigo?" Asks Zero Two

Both Zorome and Miku shake their heads.

"She has yet to wake up, she lost a tone of blood so her body may need to heal itself for a bit" says Zorome.

"I see..." Zero Two responds.
"And hows Darling?"

Once again, they shake their heads.

"His condition hasn't changed either" says Miku
"But the good news is that Ikuno may have found an antidote along with Hachi"

Zero Two's eyes widen and she jerks herself up suddenly.
"What?! A cure?!" She yells

They both hold her down along with her excitement.

"Don't jump to conclusions, they still are trying to figure it out but it's some kind of hope"
Zero Two folds her arms.

"I thought you could do with some good news..." mumbles Miku.

Zero Two smiles.
"Miku, thanks"

Miku blushes.

"It was nothing! I just want to give you good news! That's all!" She yells in an embarrassing tone. Her face goes red and she pouts.

Zero Two laughs.
They sit silently for a moment.

"Would it be an issue if you took me to my darling?" Ask Zero Two.

Zorome and Miku look at each other.

"Are you sure you want to see him in such a state?" Says Zorome.

"It's better than just sitting here doing nothing." She replies.

"He's locked in a room but you can see him through the camera Nana placed in there"
They start walking towards the tech room in the mansion.

They enter through it, it's a large room but is pitch dark, the screens are the only light in the room.
Sitting in front of the screens is Nana who is constantly monitoring Hiro's condition.

"Zero Two insisted that she had to see Hiro" says Miku.

"That's fine and all but what about her injury?"

"I feel perfectly fine, I've had a few dizzy spells but other than that, I feel the best I've ever been, physically anyway..."

Their conversation is interrupted by screaming in the back. It's Hiro.
The windows have bars on them and only a toilet and a bed are in the room. He repeatedly bangs on the door, screaming in agony. Mimicking words that the audio cannot properly pick up.

"He's been like this ever since the raid, he hasn't calmed down ever since." Says Nana.
"The good news is that Ikuno and Hachi may have found an elixir that may help him, of course they're still sceptical about it but they haven't stopped looking ever since he's been like this, they've rarely even slept."

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