Part 18 - Hiro's Rage

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Hiro walks into a large white room. It's strange how similar it looks compared to the ones at the plantation.
Compared to the long narrow hall he walked down, the room seemed rather huge.
Nana and Hachi wait for him in the corner of the room.

"Sorry I'm late, I got a bit distracted" Hiro itches his head. Hiro places his body on the hospital bed so Nana can observe him.

"Where is Zero Two today? She usually walks you." Asks Nana

"She went to go fishing today" Hiro replies

Nana nods her head. Hachi stands by at the computer as Nana connects these little dots to Hiro's body.

"And how are you mentally? We've been getting a lot of concerning observations from your friends" asks Nana

Hiro pauses for a second. The room is silent and small typing sounds from the keyboard echo through the room.

"Never felt better" Hiro smiles.

Nana gives him an unapproving look. The machines begin to beep.

"Based on what we've been hearing, it doesn't sound good" Nana hands Hiro a small glass mirror. Like the mirror in the bathroom, it is cracked and some shards have fallen out.

"Want to explain this?"

Hiro sighs.

"Fine, I haven't been that great." He replies stubbornly

"Is this to do with the fight you and Alpha had the other day?" Ask's Nana

Hiro shakes his head.

"I guess ever since I've woken up, I just haven't felt right." Hiro replies
"I just don't feel like myself."

Nana grabs his cheeks, they puff up like a balloon.

"Well that explains the odd behaviours of your body" says Nana

Hiro looks puzzled. Hachi continues to remain silent.

"What do you mean?" Hiro Ask's.

"The fact that you look closer to a Klaxosaur than you do a human even with the stuff we've been giving you, it should be having the opposite effect." She replies

"Not even the headband has helped you"

Hiro doesn't say anything. He sits up on the chair as Nana checks his heartbeat. She grabs a light and points it towards his bright aqua eyes. Hiro slightly flinches from the brightness.

"Interesting. It does seem you are going backwards" she says.
"Is there anything particularly troubling you apart from the whole changed thing?" Nana asks

Hiro doesn't say a word. Nana sighs.

"Everything seems all healthy on my end" says Hachi
"He's good to go"

Nana removed the dots from his body.

"You're free to go, we will see you in a few days for another check up" she says.

Hiro walks out of the room and into the narrow hall he came from. He walks for a long time until he reaches outside where he hears commotion outside. Zero Two stands outside, everyone surrounding her and praising her for the fish she's caught.
Hiro slightly smiles and heads back toward his room but Zero Two spots him and decides to follow him back to the room with him.

"Hey! Darling!" She yells

"Oh hey Zero Two, how was the fishing?" Hiro asks

"I caught 23 today!" She replies. Zero Two is overjoyed with her efforts. It's the most she's ever caught in such small time.

Hiro claps.
"Fantastic Zero Two!"

"Hey darling, it's been a week since our last group dinner and we want to have dinner together again...for celebration of catching so many delicious fish!"

Hiro stops in the hallway.

"I appreciate the offer Zero Two but I don't think I'm quite ready to talk to everyone yet, let alone the nines." He replies

A disapproving look falls upon Zero Two's face.

"Darling , you can't keep doing this" she says
"Running from the problem won't fix it!" She yells.

"I'm not running! I'm just not quite ready yet! What would you know! Yells back Hiro.

The commotion between Zero Two and Hiro are heard from outside.

"So, when will you be ready Hiro! We all risked our lives to save you!"

"Than maybe you should've just left me! Maybe you should've just let me die!" He yells back

The rest of the group form behind Zero Two.

"Than I wouldn't have to think about killing you all the time!"

There's a silence. Hiro realises what he just said. Their voices soften and everyone's eyes fill with distraught.

"Killing us?" Asks Zero Two.

"I'm sorry, I need to go." Replies Hiro

Hiro runs to his room and slams the door shut.

The others remain in the positions they were left in, standing there in the hallway trying to comprehend what Hiro had just said.

Ai begins to cry but Kokoro rocks her to sleep.

"I think it's best we leave him alone for now" says Ikuno

"He's going through a hard time, I'm sure he'll get over it." Ikuno resumes back to the chores, everyone else follows except for Zero Two and Goro.
Zero Two stays fixated in the same spot, she doesn't say a word. Goro pats her on the shoulder.

"Just give him some time, I'm sure he'll come around."

"We've never had an argument before...nothing like this anyway..." says Zero Two with tears in her eyes.

Goro's eyes slim.

"I couldn't help him then and it seems I can't even help him now". She says

Goro gives Zero Two a hug.

"He's just fighting something none of us know the answer to. Maybe you might but we cannot understand. If anyone is going to help him, it's you!"

"Just give him some alone time, we'll still have the group dinner tonight, if he doesn't show up, that's okay."

Zero Two nods and wipes the small tears from her eyes. They walk off and continue back to their chores.

It'll be okay.


(If you want to see more, let me know in the comments)

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