Part 23 - Everything Crumbles

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Ikuno and Miku sit beside Zero Two. Zero Two is asleep lying in a hospitalised bed.
The beeps of the machine next to her signal she is alive.

Her eyes flutter and she is barely awake. The last thing she Remembers is collapsing to the ground. Possibly from shock?

"Zero Two?" Says Ikuno

"Shh, don't wake her! She's been through a lot" says Miku.

Their voices sound distant to Zero Two. Her eyes flutter more.

Her lips start to move, mumbling the words darling.

"Is she saying something?" Asks Miku.

Eventually Zero Two fully awakens and it takes her a few moments to process the situation.
She starts panicking and pulling at the attached strings on her arms.

"Zero Two stop!" They both yell as the hold her down to the bed.

"What about darling! And Ichigo! Are they okay?" Asks Zero Two.

Straight to the point.

Ikuno let's out a sigh.
"Just relax and we'll tell you"

Zero Two calms herself. She positions herself in a much comfier way.

"Hiro is okay... after you blacked out, he kinda went crazy trying to attack everyone and what not but we managed to restrain him and isolate him in a room."

Zero Two's eyes widen with shock, she remembers awakening from the ground seeing him sinking his fangs into Ichigo's arm.

She doesn't say anything.

"As for Ichigo...her case is a little more severe...she's lost a lot of blood..." Ikuno says. She whimpers.

"But! There's a possibility she can be saved! It'll just take some time to heal..." Says Miku in a positive tone.

Zero Two stays silent, her eyes fixated on the two hands in front of her.

I couldn't save anyone.

Ikuno puts her hand on Zero Two's, assuring her everything is and will be okay.

"This isn't your fault, none of us were expecting what happened that day"

"Exactly! Besides! The nines came in and saved the day! Once again..." Miku tries to lighten the mood.

Zero Two clenches her fists.

"We don't really have that much information on how Hiro is going, it's been 3 days since and by the sounds of it, things aren't really getting better, but Hachi is determined to find a remedy that'll fix him."

Even then, that won't repair the damage he's done to Ichigo.

"And as for Dr Franxx, he's been put in the underground basement beneath the house and is going to be kept there for a while we presume, the nines are taking care of him there."

Zero Two doesn't know what to say. So much has happened and Yet again, her friends and Hiro have been put in this sticky situation.

If only I'd been stronger, maybe I should've let Hiro kill Dr Franxx back in the forest.i should've let him die and rot.

Nana walks in.

"Zero Two, it's good to see you're awake, I'm sure the girls filled you in on what's been happening?" Says Nana.

"Sadly yes, I've heard things aren't going that well."

Nana nods.

"I wish you could've awoken under better circumstances"

The room is quiet and the machines beep constantly.

"It's been 3 days?" Asks Zero Two.

"Yes, it's been 3 days since the mansion was invaded"

Zero Two proceeds to pull all the attached strings out from her body, ripping them one by one.

"Zero Two!" Miku yells.

"You need to sit down! You aren't healed yet!" They push her back down to the bed.

"What? I feel perfectly fine" says Zero Two.

The girls look at each other.

"When you collapsed the other day, you collapsed from bleeding in the brain" says Ikuno.
"If you push yourself too far, it could be fatal."

Zero Two slightly laughes in a psychopathic way.

"I really woke up to a shit hole didn't I?" She puts her hands on her face with a smile.

"How's Ai and everyone else? Are they safe?" Ask's Zero Two hoping to get some good news.

"Everyone else is fine, physically anyway... everyone is just very shaken up and concerned about Hiro and Ichigo. It almost feels as if we're back at square one..." says Ikuno

"You waking up is the best news we've had in the last few days" says Miku. Her happy tone has suddenly disappeared.

Ikuno and Miku stand up out of their chairs.
"We'll be going now but it's good to have you back." Says Ikuno

Ikuno and Miku leave the room. Nana stands next to the bed of Zero Two and takes a seat.

"Regarding the state of Hiro..."

"You don't need to say it." Says zero Two.

"I already know what you're going to say" a dark aura surrounds Zero Two.

"He's just not getting any better... the last few days he's been screaming and have tantrums in the room and the room is upside down." Says Nana.
"We are doing what we can with a potential elixir that will get him back to normal but if we can't find an antidote for him...we may have to resort to..."

Zero Two finishes her sentence.

"You're going to kill him, aren't you?"

Nana nods.
"Realistically, we should've done this in the first place knowing the potential hazard he would become. Not only that but he could've have possibly killed Ichigo-"

"I don't want to hear it anymore...I understand quite well..." says Zero Two covering her ears with the infirmary pillow.

"Just leave, I need a few moments of privacy" says Zero Two.

Nana nods.
"As you wish."

Nana sits up and heads toward the infirmary door.

"I'll come and check on you later to see how your bleeding is going but until then, rest up, we will continue to update you if anything new happens."

The door slams shut.
Once again, leaving Zero Two alone in the room as the world around her collapses.
Things are far worse than they were before and now she has even more painful decisions to make.

What kind of stuff would you like to see in future chapters? Depending on the relevance, I may add it in. It could be a scene or certain word a character says.

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