Part 17 - Changed

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(A week passes since)

Hiro leans in towards the bathroom mirror. The bathrooms are large, very similar to the ones at the plantation. With his filer, he files his horns to a healthy length. The skin like flakes full into the sink as it makes a scratch sound.

Goro flushes the toilet and walks out of his cubicle only to find Hiro there filing his long blue horns. They make eye contact for a brief second.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were in here" Hiro says

"It's okay" Goro smiles

"Filing them again I see. That makes it three times this week right?"

Hiro nods.
"They just grow so fast, even with the headband" Hiro puts down his filer and washes it under the warm water.

"Makes you think why I even bother filing them in the first place"

Goro washes his hands under the tap. Hiro stands by him.

"Either way, I think they really suit you" Goro smiles at him approvingly.

Hiro nods, they're talking to each other through the mirror. Their reflections bouncing off each other, mimicking what they're saying.

"I can't believe it's been over a week, it feels like I just woke up yesterday" he stares at his hands.

"I could imagine time was distorted in the time you were asleep so I'm not surprised" Goro pats his hands dry.


"Goro, May I ask a question?" Hiro asks.

"Of course" Goro stares at Hiro.

"Do you you think I've changed ever since I woke up?"

There is a blank silence as Goro tries to comprehend what Hiro just said.

"Changed? I don't think so. I think you've just gone through a lot, you're better than how you were before. You know...not talking to us and all"

Hiro smiles and laughs.

"In many ways I feel like you're a lot stronger now, you stand your ground" he continues
"Overall, we're all glad to have you back"

Hiro's eyes tense up, and let's out a small hidden smile.  He sniffles.

"Sorry for such the weird question..." Hiro says

Goro jokingly punches Hiro in the shoulder. Hiro jumps.

"H-hey!" Hiro yelps with his red rosey cheeks. He rubs his shoulder.

"Haha! You definitely haven't changed Hiro". Goro laughs and walks out of the bathroom.
Sharp yelling is heard outside the bathroom, it silently echoes through the walls.

"How long does it take to go to the bathroom! You have jobs to do!" It's Ichigo giving Goro and ear full.
Hiro wouldn't usually be able to hear Ichigo's words through the closed walls but with his transformation came many hidden abilities.

"Sorry! I'll get to them right away" says Goro in a funny high pitched voice.

Hiro smiles. There is a small knock on the bathroom door.
"Hiro? You done yet?" Says Ichigo

Her voice sounds much more tensed compared to how she was just talking to Goro. She sounds as if she's scared.

"I'll be out shortly!" He yells.
Instead, he stares into the mirror unable to recognise himself. He lets out a little sigh. His knuckles clench on the hard ends of the sink bowl.
An ominous aura generates from him and he smashes the glass in front of him. It creates cracks and crevices in the glass and small shards fall into the sink and onto the floor.

He walks out of the bathroom and Kokoro and Ichigo come running.

"Hiro what happened?!" They ask

"I slipped and hit the mirror he responds.
"I'll clean it up shortly, I just need to go see Nana and Hachi first if you don't mind?"

"No! It's okay, we will clean it up!" Responds Kokoro
Hiro smiles (fakingly)

"Thanks, I owe you both one"
He walks off down the hallway towards Nana and Hachi.

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