five minutes.

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"You're late."

Taiyo, age eighteen, stumbled inside the empty warehouse. Her heels clicking and echoing throughout the building. "For five minutes." She slurred, pointing to her partner for the day. "It has been fifteen minutes." He sighed while glancing at his watch and adjusting his cuffs.

"Are you- Are you drunk?"

He asked with a disgusted and disappointed look at the young 'janitor' of the Port. She approached him with puffed cheeks, wrapping an arm around the old member. "It's eleven in the morning!"

"I'm not drunk, Horitsu!"

He gently took her arm off his shoulder, sighing in the process. "It's Hirotsu. Now, please clean this up." Taiyo pouted further, "Man, why can't you just kill them all.." She grumbled whilst walking to the man that was half dead. "Then you wouldn't have a job."

Taiyo crouched down to the man's level, eyes dark and eyebrows furrowed. Without a second of hesitation, she penetrated two fingers in the man open wound. "What does Mori want with these men anyway? Why brainwash them? To make them his men?"

"Precisely." The old man grumbled after popping a cig in his mouth. The clicking of a lighter alerted the semi-sober janitor. "We've been running out of men lately. About 50 have been killed in the past month alone." Taiyo hummed after hearing the information, curious on who they're battling to achieve such a high number.

"I'll take care of it from here, Horitsu." Taiyo acknowledged as she stood up from her last position. The man she cleaned up was now being dragged away by one of his men. "You go get some tea or something." He grumbled, insulted by her suggestion. "Fine. My men will provide you a hand."

Just like that, he left the warehouse, and she brainwashed the men he defeated. Taiyo eyed her surroundings around, noticing one that was in the same situation his friend was in. She neared him, and he noticed her hooded eyes. "P-Please! Hav-" He grunted, fearing her bright eyes that stared into his soul as she was by his level. "I hope you will forgive me for this."

His eyes widened, trying his best to move but he was already caught. Like a mouse seeing his cat. Taiyo digged into the wound on his neck, doing what she should do while the man gurgled and choked. Tears falling down and snot dripping.

She finished, standing back up again, and she watched in amusement as Hirotsu's men quickly dragged him away. The day continued on, basically Taiyo just doing her excruciating job. She tended to each and every victim, apologizing first before doing so.

All 46 of them.

She strutted down the foggy air of Yokohama with a sigh. With her hands hidden in her coat, she grumbled some complaints of wanting to leave the Port since jobs like these take a toll on her.

Something wet fell on her head, and by that small droplet, she knew it was going to rain. "Shit. Just my luck." She sighed as she adjusted her earphones that were about to fall. Taiyo decided not to run and hide because she's real tired. Enjoying the rain might be the best option right now.

A familiar place caught her eye, "Oh, that's the curry shop Chuuya's been recommending." She paused walking for a bit to analyze if the store is open for customers. Her eyes squinting as hard as she can, "Hm... Seems like they're closed."

'It's 4pm though. Shops like them should still be open.'

She sighed, ignoring the loud gurgles and mumbles of her empty stomach. "Well, sorry bud. Let's find some place else." She patted her angry stomach, proceeding to walk once more.

'Wonder why there's a van though. Maybe they wanted to restock...' She hypothesized, playing with the threads that were standing up in her pockets.

The rain was getting louder and louder by the minute. With the loud noise and the silent street, it made Taiyo irritated and uncomfortable. Grabbing the small line of plastic in her earphones, she turned her music almost all the way up. A way of ignoring the annoying rain and the deafening silence.

By now, she's far from the curry shop. Having to forget the store already, and was now focused on the fast food chain that reached her line of vision.

A loud boom that was followed by strong wind resonated throughout the streets of Yokohama. Taiyo, only noticed the strong wind, having to hold on tight to her small device that was providing her the music she needed. "The wind feels good."

The fire crackling and the rain droplets falling was something Taiyo couldn't hear. Even a man that screamed  at the top of his lungs, as if he was the only man in the world, she couldn't hear a single thing.

Pitch black smoke mixed with the foggy air, and Taiyo didn't see nor hear it. She walked away from the scene, enjoying the sound and beat that came from her small device.

"The rain smells weird today."

this is a flashback!! since not much is known about ur character, i decided to add this and just build it up as the story continues! thank u all for the support, this book is almost at a thousand reads.. A THOUSAND!!! i love u all sm 🥺🥺

also, im watching banana fish and my heart 💔💔💔

sincerely yours,

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