eight of spades.

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The couple sat comfortably in their seats, one of them had both feet up, while the other was holding on the papers. Quite nervous on how her lover will react.

"Before I joined any agency, I went to London for... personal, reasons..." She trailed off at the end, making Dazai raise a brow in confusion and curiosity.

They may have been together for the past few months, but Taiyo and Dazai scarecly knew about each other's past. They're too focused on the present to ask about the past.

"On the journey there, I met someone that helped me navigate through London." Dazai hummed, slightly getting curious over every word she tells. "He's not someone working for anybody, plus this handwriting seemed very familiar to me." She slid the piece of paper that held the picture.

The writing was written in neat cursive, the spacing and the letters were seemed to have taken time to write. Maybe a perfectionist?

"Do you remember his name?"

Taiyo thought about it, a finger on her chin. "Hm, not really. It's been, what, five, six, years?" She wondered as Dazai focused on the picture. Feet still resting on the table.

"Do you at least know where he is?"

"I hope he's here. Or else we'll have to go to London to look for him. He has a small bookstore there, that's where I-"

A knock made them go silent, their heads whipping at the same time to their front door. "Are you expecting someone?" Taiyo asked him, and he answered with a 'no.'

Both of them cautiously approached their front, Dazai putting a hand in front of Taiyo in case something goes wrong.

They both slightly relaxed as a piece of paper fell down the little slit in their door, then Taiyo's eyes widened as she dashed to the door, Dazai yelling restraints at her.

Opening the door to sadly not see any trace of someone that delivered the paper, she felt a hand hit her head with a bonk. "Ow-!"

"That was dangerous! We didn't know what-" She groaned as she stood up on her tippy toes to deliver a deep and passionate kiss to Dazai to shut his salty ass up. His face flushed, not expecting such a comeback from her.

Then, Taiyo trailed down; Dazai's face burning a bright red and sweat rolling down his neck. "Y-You sure you wanna do it out h-here..?"

Taiyo punched his shin, a loud groan emitting from her boyfriend. "No, you idiot. I was picking the paper up." She stood up with a deadpanned look on her face, while Dazai held a pained one.

"It has the same handwriting!" She exclaimed, showing the slightly hurt detective. "Hurry up and be hasty, or else this will end gravely. Run where your feet once touched, before she is crushed. This is not a threat, but rather a debt that has been set."

She looked at Dazai with a confused face, "A place where our feet has touched?"

"This kid is good at rhyming." Dazai muttered, amazed at the quick rhyming words their messenger thought of.

"They're indicating someone's in danger, so..."

"The office?"

Dazai shook his head, "No one would be in danger there. Plus if it go blown up, we always have extra supplies." He thought, changing his weight to his right foot since the other one was punched.

" 'Where your feet once touched...' " She hummed in thought, thinking of places they've been to before.

Then a lightbulb appeared on top of her head, "What about the grocery store?"

Dazai deadpanned at her, "You know it's closed." Dazai's turn was next, thinking of any place they've been to before. His mind deducting ways on where this message could lead to.

"The hospital, maybe?"

" 'This will end gravely... A debt that has been set...' " Taiyo re-read it for the second time, trying her best to figure the word play out.

"A debt that has been set-"

Dazai gasped slightly, seeming to get the message quickly. Before he could explain and before she could ask, Dazai dashed inside their home, grabbing his and her coat to bring out in the cold air.

"Get in the car! Quickly!" His voice was jumping up and down a bit since he was going down their apartment stairs quickly.

Taiyo just followed with no complaint. Trusting her lover's hunch.

"Hello, how may  I- oh!" Dazai and Taiyo dashed in the hospital, Taiyo slowing down a bit to give a sympathetic look at the nurse that seemed to be a college student.

"We're detectives, sorry for intruding." She quickly showed her the ADA badge, catching up to Dazai again once he yelled her name. The nurse just sweatdropped at their interaction.

"Sorry! Coming through!"

Gasps and ooh's of the patients in the ER was heard as the detectives padded through the floor to reach the elevator.

Dazai quickly told Taiyo of his idea, driving safely as he could to reach their little frenemy in time. It was a blessing that they didn't crash since the last time Dazai drove, he ruined almost all bones in his friend's body with a set-up truck.

Good thing Taiyo wasn't there back then. He surely would've got a beating and a scolding. As if one wasn't enough.

"You sure about this?"

"Nope. But if she's safe, then we have to think of another place we've been to."

A ding entered their ear drums, the door opening slowly, before they finally dashed out the hallways once again. Looking out for the nurses and patients that pass by the hall. "Hey-!" A nurse was about to scold them, before Taiyo flashed her badge at her back again while running.

They reached their frenemy's door, Dazai seething and groaning in annoyance when he noticed that there was a card key lock.

He let go of the knob, about to walk to the desk before she stopped him. He looked back at her to catch her holding the nurse's key card they passed earlier. A mischievous smirk on her features as Dazai looked at her with a brow up and a smirk as well.

"What? I didn't go to London to look at the scenery." She glanced down to swipe the card, "Of course I had to learn some tricks." She winked, a proud smile on her features as she turned the knob.

The door creaked open, room was lightly lit up, and,

The monitor had a straight line.

Both detectives eyes widened, Taiyo ran to the caretaker's side while Dazai noticed the slightly open window that was sucking the curtains to the outside. He ran towards it, not finding a single trace.

Taiyo called for the nurses to try and help the old woman, and so the two detectives were ushered out of the room and the hospital.

the spades symbolizes death in a way and so thats why i chose it as today's chapter! hope y'all liked it ^^ r.i.p. caretaker 😔

sincerely yours,

im working on another project and this time its an x reader!! ill be publishing it when its fully done so yall can enjoy it more ^^

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