seventeen right here.

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"Dazai what the hell are you wearing?"

He looked up from fixing his long sleeved brown blouse, an innocent look on his face. "What?" Taiyo looked him up and down, finding the white stripes too bright and distracting.

"C'mere." He hesitantly walked towards her, "If you tuck this big blouse of yours in, it'll make you seem professional." She tucked the right side out, having slight difficulty due to his tight belt, "And we don't want to seem professional don't we?"

He nodded; watching the way her hands smoothly moved against his clothes. "Ta da!" Stepping backwards, she looked him up and down again, sighing contently this time. "You look absolutely handsome." Pink dusted his cheeks, "Will a side tuck really make me seem less professional?" He teased as a way to cover his embarrassment, briefly following her on the way out of their apartment. "Of course." 

The lovers exited their apartment, Taiyo almost forgot their keys so she dashed inside real quick. "So who are we bringing?" Taiyo asked her tall boyfriend as she quickly locked the door, not seeing the head of white that was getting close to them. Dazai puckered his lips to point to the guest that was standing out their apartment complex. Taiyo's mood plummeted down when she made eye contact, "You've got to be kidding me."

The walk to the condo was quiet, the sound of cars passing by and multiple people having conversations was what reached the trio's ears. Dazai's sneakers along with River's loafers annoyed the hell out of Taiyo who was in between them, the nerves in her eyebrows twitching. "Alright, why'd you pick him Dazai."

He smirked down at her, "What, isn't he your best friend?" Brow twitching, she sighed. "That's an overstatement."

River pouted, joining in with Dazai on the teasing. "Awh, c'mon mistress! We spent a lot of time together in London! I payed for most of your needs too."

"Yeah, and I thank you for that. But I didn't want your money yet you kept on pestering me." She crossed her arms while River tried to make eye contact with her. "And now I need to repay you because I really did use a lot."

Her voice cowered down by the end of her sentence, River saw this as a way of her feeling in debt to him; making him smile wide. "Aww! Do you think you're indebted to me?" His eyes wide and bright, sparkles all around him. Taiyo couldn't respond since it was slightly true, so she just sweatdropped at him. "Yeah...."

"We're here."

Dazai interrupted their little chatting session with an abrupt stop. "Let's go-" Taiyo wrapped an arm around his shoulder in the way the wine aunt would. "Ahh~ I can't wait to check out the mall nearby! Let's put our things down and go shopping! C'mon, c'mon!" Grabbing the duos wrists she dragged them inside the condominium, making eyes wonder to them.

"What are you-"

"Act like you live here." She said in the same hushed tone Dazai gave her, her facial features shining with a smile even though her tone was far from shining. It made the duo shiver.

"Hello, how may I-"

"We're on floor 2, room 26." She smirked at the man handling the counter, sliding her detective ID in a smooth manner. The man quickly eyed the card, before proceeding to smile wide and slide it back. "Of course. Enjoy your time here."

Taiyo smiled at the guy before walking off to the corridor filled with elevator doors, the two guys following her like lost puppies. The place was alright for a condominium, a fancy chandelier hung in the middle, healthy indoor plants along with the wooden floor. It felt homey.

"That guy is suspicious." She said once out of earshot, choosing the farthest elevator to talk to her partners for the day. "How so?" River asked her, and Dazai answered. "He has a weird vibe to him. Not the one the usual cashiers have in condos." The English man chuckled, "Are you guys really detectives? You're basing a suspicion over a vibe?"

"One's aura is important, River."

The elevator door opened with a ding, and soon the trio entered with no words. "So... what are really going to do here? Just sweep their floors or check every room and sweep there?" Taiyo groaned, throwing her head back while grabbing her roots tightly. Dazai just sweatdropped. "I told you to bring Atsushi."

"Yeah, sorry about that.."

"I'm still here!"

The elevator dinged, making the trio look normals once again and not detectives with a foreign idiot. Taiyo's heart dropped, and Dazai may have noticed. River blinked at the tall man, scooting away sideways until he hit Taiyo in the side, which made her push him forward. 'Fuck that was a bad move.'

The man now stood beside her, phone in hand and another inside his pocket.  Silence engulfed them four, and Taiyo couldn't help but sweat knowing that one wrong move could get her partner's suspicion rise up and it would be done for her.

A ring interrupted their tense silence, making Taiyo flinch slightly and Dazai rose an eyebrow. River, unfortunately, couldn't see anything so he was sweating twice as much.

"Hey, how did the meeting go?"

Taiyo's mind was running wild, thinking what the hell was this man doing. "Yeah, I'm on my way." Another pause. "What room again? Oh c'mon, I'm new and the building is huge!" He chuckled, which somehow made the air more tense that it already was.

"Room 38? Okay, okay. Yeah I'll be there. I hope you are too?" He fixed his weight on his right foot, indicating he was indirectly asking her. Though he made it seem so natural it made Taiyo sweat. "Mhm, okay. Bye." He ended the call, and pocketed his phone. Not making eye contact with anyone which made Taiyo calm down.

Another ding alerted them all, and River was the first one out. Dazai grabbed Taiyo by the waist, leading them out quickly as the man was rising suspicions fast.

Doors closing, he chuckled,

"Guess I'll be seeing her."


sincerely yours,

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