fifteen visits.

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"Is River alright?"

Taiyo peeked her head inside the clinic where Kunikida and Yosano were currently conversing, Dazai right behind her. "He's asleep."

The couple walked to the two, Dazai taking a quick glance at the unconscious foreigner. "He suffered quite the deep wound, the way you tried to put his blood back kind of messed with my operation." The detective froze and sweatdropped at the criticism she received. "S-Sorry, Yosano..."

"Look at this," Kunikida gave a plain white card to the detectives, "This was what hit him. I think it's an ability since no card that small can penetrate human muscles."

Nodding, and turning the card around, Dazai peeked over her shoulder. "It's just white?" Taiyo hummed, turning it around to see white again. "There's got to be something to it."

"The president's ready." White hair peeked from the door; everyone focusing on Atsushi. "Also, Taiyo-san, the chief of police is here...?" Said girl's eyes sparkled at the mention of her old friend, "He's messing with you, he's not chief of police." Taiyo patted his shoulder, not taking notice of Dazai's deadpanned expression.

She stopped in her steps, handing the teen the white card. "Oh, can you decode this? Search for ways to find a hidden note on the net. Have Tanizaki help you." The albino nodded and eagerly went to his desk to decode the piece of paper.

The three members followed her out of the clinic as she continued; all with curious expressions. The detective stopped in her tracks to see a new person in their doorstep, this is definitely not her old friend. "Good afternoon, are you Kurishima Taiyo?" The stranger, all in superior police uniform asked her as he tucked his shades in his front pocket. Setting an intimidating aura for the detectives.

'That's the chief of police!' Kunikida stiffened when his gaze met their direction. Yosano noticed the blond's discomfort, so she tried to pinpoint who this guy was. She froze the second she figured it out.

'Who's this guy?' Taiyo wondered, and Dazai read her expression clearly. He leaned in discreetly to her ear, whispering who he was quickly since he was going their way. Eyes widening, she started to break in a cold sweat when he steps their way. 'Fuck, what did I do now?'

"May I speak with you for a minute?" Taiyo looked behind at her friends, quite nervous yet excited on why she has something the chief of police needs. "Don't worry, we'll take care of the meeting with the president." Kunikida, although fidgety, managed to choke out when the chief of police looked at him when he spoke.

Taiyo nodded, deciding to make fun of his sweaty composure later. The chief stepped out the office, waiting for Taiyo to follow. With her hands behind her back, she squeezed Dazai's big hands which were resting on his side. Then did she follow the chief out of the office.

Yosano noticed their little exchange and smiled contently. Nothing to worry now that she saw that her friend is completely content with him as he was. Before she returns to her desk, she nudged Dazai in a teasing manner making him flush pink.

"What do you need, chief?" Leaning over the wall with crossed arms, she examined the chief of police. Not much was said about him, but if there was, it certainly wasn't good. Everyone below him seems to quiver, but Taiyo doesn't see it.

"I heard that you came front to front with Fyodor?" She rose a brow, why is he asking now when she submitted a report weeks ago? The report should've reached him by now. "Did you not see my report? I don't like to talk about my kidnapping much."

"Plus, everything that had happened and everything that he and I said were all written there." The chief sighed, "I've read your report but it feels like it's missing something." Taiyo furrowed her brows, utterly confused at the situation right now.

"What do you mean?"

"It feels like it's not complete."

Taiyo's once playful eyes went half lidded as she heard the chief's words. "Are you accusing me of lying, chief?" He was quite shocked from her sudden personality change, but he composed himself. "I'm not-"

"Then what are you implying?"

"That there's something you missed in your report." He looked her dead in the eye, her looking back with no fear over his high position. "That's like saying that I'm lying."

"I-" Raising a finger, she stopped the chief in his saying. If someone was watching, they'll gasp loudly over her actions, but she's simply doing what a human would. She's not doing this to simply act cool or intimidate him, she's acting on her principal of treating someone the same way you want to be treated. Since the chief came over to spew nonsense about her kidnapping with no solid evidence, then she'll have to fight back.

"You come here to accuse me of lying in my report, then how about you experience being kidnapped then, sir?" She kicked herself off the wall, "I'm not saying that you lied, I'm saying that there's something missing." Scoffing, Taiyo remained eye contact. "What? Were you there in the room? Or are you saying that I'm playing the victim?"

"Not either of those- I'm saying you might be working with Fyodor." She looked at him as if he said the secret of life. In bedazzlement and in shock. "Me? You think I'm working with- HAHAHAHA!" Doubling over, she held her stomach in laughter, marking him as the biggest clown she's ever met. He stared awkwardly.

"Oh, sir-" She wiped a stray tear, "Even if I am, you have no solid evidence that I'm doing so." She slowly walked back down the hallway, turning around one last time to finish the conversation. "If you're trying to make me the bad guy, or to get me and my colleagues out of the work force, then try harder. I know that you hate us ability-users. Maybe it's because we're doing more in a year than you can in ten."

"Come back when you have solid evidence of me being a- pff- a traitor!"
Raising a hand as she walked back to her office, the chief was fuming red. Both in embarrassment and in wrath.

"Also, thanks for cleaning up! You can do what you want with the guy we already have what we need of him." The door shutting was enough to send the chief over the edge, so he stomped to the elevator.

"Taiyo-san, I found out how to decode it!" Atsushi raised his hand to catch her attention in the office, and Taiyo gave him a smile and thumbs up.

"Good job, kid! I'll look into that later, I gotta get to the meeting!"

hope you all enjoyed this !!! im currently watching a lot of anime thats why i couldn't update much hehe 😅

sincerely yours,

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