fourteen keys.

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"I decided to look for Taiyo ever since I heard about her disappearance and her fight with the Plague." Taking a graceful sip from his tea, the British man sighed in content. "I began to gather some people who were willing to help and decided to let the mistress on a scavenger hunt."

Taiyo was close to popping a vein on her head when he called her 'mistress.' Catcallers back in London continuously called her by that name, and each call ended with blood on her nose and splinters on her knuckles. It irked her to no end, and Dazai sat back amused by her reactions.

"I apologize for bringing you along to the hunt. One of my colleagues misplaced the envelope and it ended up with- sorry, what's your name again?" He faced the albino who was caught off guard, "Oh, it's Atsushi." If it were not for this man's piercing blue eyes, Atsushi could've sworn he'd pee his pants then and there.

"-With Atsushi." He continued, "Plus, I must've worried you all? Since you probably thought of it as a threat when it fact it was a piece of help from yours truly." River stood up with a smile, the other members who listened looked as he was exiting. His brown suit jacket was held over his shoulder, "I'll be going for now, if you'll excuse me. I'm sure I've explained enough."

With a smirk and a wink, River proceeded to exit the little guest lounge with all the member's eyes on him. He felt like a runway model and the ADA were the attendees.

"Taiyo-san made it to London news?" Tanizaki questioned to himself, and River heard. "I don't know why she did so. Back then, she was-"

The sound of a card flipped through the air, cutting the foreigner off.

Everything seemed to go slow, in Taiyo's point of view. Her eyes widened as she saw her friend's shocked expression slowly fall to the ground as a card sticking in his stomach was evident. River coughed out blood as the card seemed to go deeper in his muscles, and Taiyo quickly acted on putting his blood back in control using her ability with the left hand.

Biting her right arm bandage off in a second, her healing gash was re-opened as she directed blood spikes to the attacker at the exit door.

The rest of the ADA members were still in quite a shock inside the guest lounge room, their worlds seemingly to go slow as well and they all felt underwater.

Except for the man-tiger.

"River-san!" Atsushi, closest to the door dashed out while almost crashing the divider down. He caught the man in time, noticing his blood flowing as if it was fixing itself. 'Is Taiyo-san doing this? She's fighting yet she can still focus on this...'  Even though she was trying to keep him from losing blood, the card was like a tulip in a poppy field. The nuisance that ruined everyone's day.

Taiyo launched herself quickly to the attacker to see nothing but a man with a Hyottoko mask, as if he was mocking the detective. This did nothing but fuel her anger even more, "Taiyo-san!"

Splashing her blood on the mocking mask, she blinded him as a way to deliver a kick to his side making him  gasp and launch to the left. Taiyo went behind him quickly, graspimg his hands at the back like a police to a criminal. Kicking the back of his knees, he fell down with a thud; his feet was wiggling and attempting to get her off until it was held down by Kyouka's ability.

The rest of the agency stood and watched Taiyo holding down a man twice her height easily. "Who are you and what do you want." With a hand on his head, and the other holding him down, she voiced her dominance to the situation at hand. Voice dripping like gold; sharp as a snake's tongue.  The masked man didn't answer, and so Taiyo took his head up then back down on the tiled floor harshly. It created a head shaped crack on the floor and Atsushi felt himself shiver again.

"What do you want." Even if the man couldn't see anything, he felt his spinal cord tingle with nervousness. Still, no response. Taiyo chuckled lowly, "Dazai, help me love."

His footsteps alerted the man even more and he started to sweat, in which Taiyo raised his head up again. "Oh? You're afraid of Dazai?" The man visibly gulped which was a good sign for them. "How about that-"

"Taiyo! Move!" Yosano tried to lay the foreigner back down as he suddenly sat up from his laying position; making the doctor grimace at his wound opening again.

The detective, now on high alert, moved just an inch away until a sharp thing came from outside and penetrated the masked man's head. "Scatter!" Kunikida yelled as he noticed that it did come from outside and could be targeting them as well. "Hide under something!" He advised again as Taiyo left the now dead body, grabbing the closest person to her which was Dazai.

Both of them hid behind the big potted plant to their right, "What the fuck is happening right now?!" Taiyo asked with a stressed manner, "I don't know but angry you is something to not be messed with." He comically shivered as Taiyo slapped his arm.

"Is everyone alright?" Kunikida yelled and it was a huge relief to him that everyone responded. "Kyouka, are you okay kid?" Taiyo called out, and Atsushi assured her that he was safe in his care.

Taiyo noted that they would be in danger if she just left the windows exposed, "Kunikida, you think you can make a huge cloth?" She shouted across the room since she didn't know where he is. Without an answer, she just heard the loud scribbling of pen on paper.

"Why? Do you need a bandage?" Dazai looked at her innocently, starting to unwrap his bandages on his left arm in which Taiyo quickly stopped him. "No, you dork. We need curtains to cover our appearances in the meanwhile." Dazai let out an 'oh,' and a huge piece of cloth jumped up in the air and Taiyo quickly captured it with her blood. Floating it to her location, she grabbed it and quickly cut it into the right pieces for the windows.

The cloth was so huge, it completely covered their hiding area making it seem like they were having a sleepover loft for five. "That's quite impressive." She glanced up at her lover, "What, cutting cloth with your blood?"

"Uh yeah."

"You're such a dork."

Cutting the final piece for the window, she used her blood again to make it float to each window. Making it seem as if they got new curtains even if they were poorly cut. But it's better than being out in the open and die by a stray object.

Everyone stood up from their positions, and Tanizaki quickly helped River get to the clinic with Yosano. Dazai and the others proceeded to approach the dead man on their green tile flooring.

And the sound of the door opening made them heighten their guards until they relaxed once seeing the president with fast food in hand. They all just stared at each other, not knowing what to do since there was a literal dead body in front of them

Fukuzawa looked down at the body and then back up to the haggard ADA. Back down, then back up. Then back down, and up. The members began to sweat,

"We can explain!"

"I told you going in head first was a bad idea." The man flickered a key in his hand, playing with it as the afternoon sun bounced gracefully off of it. "Good thing I thought of sending a decoy, or else that could've been you right now."

His partner chuckled, ignoring his glare completely. "Oh please, we both know you'd hesitate to kill me." He tauntingly leaned in with a smug look. "After all, I'm your key to success in this mission." Walking away made him form a vein on his neck. "Did you just pun?"

Quietly throwing the key in his hand, the guy caught it with ease even if it was behind his head. "Hm."

Turning around and standing beside his partner once more, he put a hand on top of his forehead as a way to shade himself from the sun. "Y'know, that girl is interesting. I like her."

His partner rolled his eyes.

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