six meters away.

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"Yosano-san, are they okay?"

The albino asked with sweat falling down his cheek, a worried expression on his face as his two superiors didn't give each other any attention at all.

The doctor, as one of Taiyo's closest friends, was worried as well. "Don't mind them. I'm sure they'll solve it theirselves." She sighed as she continued writing on her report. Atsushi sighed, his back bent as he sulked back to his desk. He felt uncomfortable since his superiors don't talk and bicker as usual. It's as if his parents were fighting and he was stuck between them.

"Dazai. Let's go."

Taiyo glanced up from her computer when she heard the shuffling of shoes and Kunikida's voice. She let curiosity get the best of her, even when she promised herself that she wouldn't. "Going somewhere?" She asked with hooded eyes- her lover looking at her with the same look. "Yeah."

Just like that, the duo walked out. Leaving an aggravated Taiyo and a worried Atsushi in the dust.

"U-uhm... Taiyo-san?" She broke out from her stare, focusing on her subordinate who seemed to be worried. She hummed, catching his attention again.

"Are you alright?" As soon as the door emitted a click, Taiyo stood up from her desk and wore her coat. A smirk evident on her features, while her subordinate looked confused, "Uh, Taiyo-san?"

"You're coming with me, Atsushi." She grabbed his wrist, dragging him out of the area as he grabbed his coat in time. Taiyo and Atsushi stood in front of the exit door, looking back at Yosano. "Cover for me, bae." Taiyo voiced out as she exited the office with her best friend's eyes on her. 'You can count on me.'

"Hopefully they're out of the building by now." She hoped, still dragging the albino boy down the hallway. His wrists started to get sweaty due to his nervousness of the situation. "U-Uhm,"

Taiyo hummed in question, urging him to go on, "Where are we going, Taiyo-san? And what will be doing?"

She smirked, although Atsushi couldn't see it he felt her aura grow into an excited one. "Something that will get me a scolding later."

The two detectives entered a staircase that led to the underground. Kunikida was the one that insisted they come here, and Dazai followed along since he has no connections that can help for this problem.

"Who are we meeting, Kunikida-kun?" The blond cleared his throat, proceeding to go down the steps. "A friend of mine who is very good at electronics than me." Dazai just hummed in response.

Once they reached the end of the steps, a teen around his middle years was standing in front of a huge aquarium that just had one fish in it. Multiple kinds of electronic
surrounded the fish bowl, making Dazai worry of the bad situation that could come if the bowl was knocked down. Hues of blue surrounded the area; it even bounced off the detectives faces.

The aura of the room was awkward yet full of tension. Kunikida and the kid stared at each other with no emotions. "What do you want, Kunikida." It was more of a statement rather a question. Just by that small detail, Dazai could already tell that this kid was going to be an impatient one.

"Can you help us, Taguchi?" He pleaded, while this Taguchi kid just stared at him with a bored look. "What am I going to do? Hack? That'll take time. Payment is required too, you know." He teased with arms crossed, leaning so slightly to his fish bowl.

"You'll just help us see what this chip contains. With your knowledge with the media, we hope you'll know something." Kunikida gestured his partner to bring out the chip which was contained in a small ziplock that was hidden in Dazai's inside pocket.

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