twelve stitches.

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"Will she be alright?"

River stood up from the hard plastic chair that made his lower body ache, static being felt from his legs. The tapping of his foot was noticable to both the nurse and his student. "Good thing she suppressed some of her blood. If she didn't we wouldn't have the time to help her."

River grew whiter than he was before, making Avon worry about her master. "She's awake right now. She actually wants to be dispatched today. As her boyfriend, please talk her out of it." When he heard the false accusation of the nurse, he stiffened on the spot; a slight pink hue on his cheeks.

"Oh- I'm not her boyfriend." The nurse looked back and rose an eyebrow, "Then please just persuade her to not leave. She needs rest."

River ushered Avon to stay where she is and just play on her device. The kid was tired enough, plus they didn't have somewhere to stay. "Hey."

The door clicking behind him alerted the detective, whose fore arms and fingers were covered in bandages. "You're still here?" River nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, we don't have any place to stay so we might just sleep here overnight."

Taiyo gave him a look of sympathy, "You can stay at our place." His bright blue eyes widened, "Oh, I think your boyfriend won't like that. Plus, you're staying here overnight too. Might as well make the best of it."

"Oh, I'm not staying overnight."

River rolled his eyes and groaned, raising his hands halfway to reason with her. "The doctors say you need to. You're not fully healed yet." Her thoughts recalled all the times she got out of a life and death situation, so she smirked. "My ability revolves around me losing blood. I've handled training where I lose tons of amounts, and I handle them well. It was just because of the strong smell of smoke and gunpowder was what got me. "

She explained to him, yet every word seemed to go in and out of River's ears. "Taiyo-"

"I'm a special abilities detective. I can handle a little loss of blood." The man with light hair twitched his eyebrow in annoyance to his old partner. 'She lost more than 5 pints, is she kidding right now?'

Taiyo slowly stood up from her bed and grabbed the clothes she wore when the explosion happened. "Hey what time is it?" River took his expensive looking watch that made Taiyo sweatdrop, "ten." Her eyes widened, zooming to the bathroom quickly with a string of curses.

'What's with her?'

"Miss-! Please stay in your bed-" Taiyo stopped in front of the nurse, rummaging through her coat pockets to get any texture of money she could find. River grabbed her wrist gently, "I already paid your fees." Her eyes brightly swirled in the hospital light, "What?" She mumbled to herself, then proceeding to bow and thank River fully with all her heart.

"You can stay at our place, y'know."

She told him before exiting out the automatic sliding doors of the hospital. River wrapped an arm around his student, "We'll be fine. I can find some place for us for the night."

Taiyo hesitated but decided to trust in River's sayings. He did pay her hospital fee after all. "Fine. Oh, you'll be going to my office tomorrow for more questioning. Specifically from my other colleagues." She knew they would love the foreigner, but a certain brunette certainly wouldn't. Internally sighing, she guess she'll just have to deal with his petty ass.

River nodded, and just like that, Taiyo left to go home with her ruined and bloody clothes matched with her bandages.

Patting her coat pockets once again, she looked for her phone which was on her hand the entire time. 'Maybe I do need rest.' Opening it, she was greeted by the bright light and the big numbers, "Fuck, eleven o'clock again."

Under the big numbers were other big numbers. Specifically 31 missed calls and 28 unopened texts from her lover. "He's gonna murder me." She groaned, closing the phone and putting it inside her pocket. Not bothering to open the messages anymore since she's a train ride away from home.

"I'm home-" After standing for minutes in front of their door, Taiyo finally grew the balls to open it and announce her arrival.

"TAIYO!" Footsteps and the sound of things falling to the ground alerted her and soon she was engulfed in a big hug from her tall lover. He let go and grabbed her shoulders roughly, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He whined as he started shaking her aggressively. He had been pacing around the apartment like a worried housewife, and it was obvious by his ruffled hair and the ruined rug on the floor.

"Uh-I-" Dazai stopped her, finally noticing that what he felt was not her usual soft skin, but something similar to his. "What..."

"DID YOU GET INTO A FIGHT?!" He shook her aggressively again, more than before and it took Taiyo's every strength to not snap his head then and there. "Dazai-" She poked a certain spot on his neck that made him stop, like a button on one of River's robots.

"How about some tea first."

They say down on their dining table, their favorite type of tea in front of them. It was now just then that Taiyo noticed the scowl yet worried eyes of her lover since the last scene happened in their dimly lit hallway. Now the spotlight was on them, and they could clearly see each other. Like an investigation scene in a Hollywood movie.

"Remember when I told you that I'll investigate some things in the library?"

"It was you who got blown up in the small library down in fifth street, right?" Dazai eyed her behind the rim of his cup, feeling satisfied with the grimace she emitted. Taiyo took a quick sip, ignoring the hot feeling that went down her throat. "I met my old partner back in London, and turns out he was the one behind the chip! Crazy right?"

Dazai's eyebrows rose up in shock, the guilt washed over him when he remember telling her that she had no connection to the case and she shouldn't interfere because he wanted to protect her. When in fact, Taiyo could protect herself well, and she had a big connection to the case.

His head started to go low, as if replicating a bow. "Yeah."

"Are you bowing to me right now?"

"No." He mumbled as his head hung lower, and by that position he could feel Taiyo's slight smirk. "Who knew that the great Dazai Osamu would be bowing to me in apol-"

She was cut off by Dazai throwing her the teaspoon that was inside his cup, hitting her straight in the forehead.

A pause engulfed the two, the sound of the teaspoon falling and hitting the floor made Dazai cringe.

Taiyo took a second the process what just happened until it finally hit her and she started bickering to her lover for hitting her straight in the head.

two updates!!! hope that enough of an exchange for the days ive been gone 💔 thank u for your continuous support, i love you all!!!

sincerely yours,

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