thirteen greetings.

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Their walk was silent. Wheels passing by and others persistent walks mixed with their noisy talks over the phone was what calmed the couple over this stressful morning.

First, they both woke up late again. While Dazai was cleaning up, Taiyo burnt the stove and was panicking loudly it caused the detective in the shower to slip and hit his head. He got out of the shower with blood on his forehead which she patched up quickly, and now they're both hurt since Taiyo rushed down the stairs and fell.

"This morning was-" He continued for her, "Shit. I know."

People who passed them by looked at them as if they were extraterrestrial beings. Currently, they had matching arm bandages (in which Dazai was giddy for.) Plus, the huge band aid on his head and the bandage wrapped around her ankles did not help their street reputation.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" Dazai leaned in to her ear as he received another heinous look. "Probably because we look like we just escaped a kidnapping." Deadpanned and annoyed by the looks, Dazai just decided to hum.

The couple finally got to their office in one piece, "Let's hope Kunikida is in a good mood today." Taiyo smirked, nervous as well. "Doubt it."

Dazai opened the door for her, following after she entered. "What happened to you two?" Kunikida gave them a weird look, which made the couple look at each other with a smile. 'He's in a good mood!'

Dazai decided to walk on ahead of her with a mischievous plan in his head. "Kunikida, did you hear that if you pat your head hard enough you can see the ceiling of your mouth?" His ears perked up, suddenly grabbing his dark green notebook and began writing in it.

"Just kidding, of course."

The sound of the pen breaking followed by loud bickering made a smile crawl up on Taiyo's lips. Before she could walk towards her desk, a slight chuckle alerted her.

She faced the man with the white hair and stunning blue eyes. Her own widening when she came in contact. 'What the fuck-?!' Taiyo heard her name get called making her look at the doctor reaching out for her.

Glancing back at her English friend, she discreetly pointed him to stay there and not make any noise. River shrugged and went back to his phone while leaning back on the guest couch.

"What is it, Yosano?" The doctor leaned towards her, trying to keep their conversation on the down low. "There's a foreigner that's been looking for you for the past hour. We can't get much out of him since he's  talking in English and well...we're not that good with it."

"Plus, he seems to not be intimidated by my doctor services." Taiyo patted her shoulder, walking slowly backwards with a thumb pointing back at the guest couch. "Don't worry, I'll handle him."

Jogging back at the little secluded area of the office where guests come to meet and tell their problems, Taiyo sat across her friend. "Okay, what are you doing here?" She knew that he invited him to come to the office the next day, but she didn't think he'd take it seriously. River was notorious around the London streets for being this lazy ass who didn't listen to anyone's order. Guess things do change.

"You asked me to come over?" He replied, "Don't tell me you forgot. What, did the doctor give you a forgetting drug?" She deadpanned at him, hands intertwined as a way to not punch him then and there. "No, I just didn't think you'd take it seriously."

He shrugged once again, resting his arm on top of the couch. "Plus, couldn't you have at least called me like a normal person would?" Raising a brow, he chuckled lowly. "Nah, too boring."

"Also, why are you speaking in English to my colleagues? I know you can speak Japanese." River looked amused, rather content with his decision in speaking his mother tongue. "Oh yeah, I don't trust them enough to talk to them in their language."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Yes it does."

Taiyo scratched her scalp in annoyance, "Well, can you just come over some other time? I didn't expect you to come, so I'm not ready." River groaned and threw his head to the top of the couch. Acting like a child when he didn't get his daily candy. "But, I came all the way here." He said, his british accent getting thicker and thicker the more he complains.

"That's not my fault." She sassily replied back, about to stand up and guard him out of the office. "Now, please. I'll guide you ou-"

Brown hair popped out of the mini wall that the guest lounge had. Shocking Taiyo while River remained unfazed. "Konnichiwa~ Didn't know you spoke English, Taiyo."

Well keeping these two apart clearly wouldn't work. Taiyo sweatdropped and she decided to give up. Knowing Dazai, he either overheard on the conversation or he was listening the entire time. It also made her give in to embarrassment when he probably heard her speak in English the entire time since River wanted her to.

"Who's this?" Dazai finally came into a full body view in River's peripheral vision; and he really liked the detective's fashion sense. "Dazai, this is-"

Taiyo cut herself off when she saw the rest of the members peek in the room in curiosity. "Everyone-" She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose to control herself in decking River and his dumb smirk off his face. "This is River Leighton, he's a friend of mine from London."

The members of the ADA ooh'd collectively and began to introduce theirselves, "You've been outside Japan, Taiyo-san?" Kyouka, the newest young member of the agency asked her with a slight sparkle in her eyes. "Yup! I'll take you there someday, Kyouka-chan." She smiled at her, quickly picking up the fact that the kid had probably never gotten out before.

"River can also speak in Japanese. It's just that you guys spoke to him in English that's why he spoke back in the same language. He's polite and was taught that way." The other members hummed once again at her explanation.

River quickly caught her eye, shocked in her ability to make a quick lie and quick gathering of the past situation. 'I didn't tell her that she they talked to me in English first, plus she was able to make a quick lie by making me a polite person. Huh, guess she's a reaaaaal detective.'

Taiyo noticed that the members, specifically Kenji, began warming up to him and she didn't want that since if they did, he'd be hanging around more and she didn't want to see his face on the daily.

"Oh, and he's also the one who sent us the chip."



i apologise for not updating again, but here it is! ^^ the conversation of river and taiyo was in pure english and when dazai appeared he talked to her in japanese. sorry if that confused you

thank you sm for the support on this book and the first one. 💗 i enjoy reading your comments so much!

sincerely yours,

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