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"Babe! We gotta get going!" Joe yells from the other room as I slip on my shoes, rolling my eyes.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! It takes me twice as long to get ready!" I yell back, letting out a breath as I stand up.

"Which is why you start getting ready before me," he teases, coming around the corner.

I give him a small smile, knowing what's going on through his head.

I still can't believe we've been together seven months now. At the time, I didn't know how to be in a relationship. I didn't know if I was even compatible with anyone else. Come to find out, I'm compatible with Joe. We've learned more about each other as time has passed. The longer we're a couple, the more we learn. But I suppose I should've known that would happen. It's normal to learn more and more about someone as you grow together.

"Are you ready or do you wanna stay stuck in Neverland for a few more minutes?" he asks, a smirk resting on his lips.

I roll my eyes. "I'm ready, dumbass," I tell him, walking over and grabbing his outstretched hand.

Tonight, DNCE just so happens to be performing at the Radio Disney Music Awards, so I'm tagging along. Although, I will say I'm not quite sure why I get so dressed up for these things when I enter and exit through the back entrance where no one sees me. Joe and I haven't made our relationship public yet. Although it's been seven months, considering my past, we've decided to keep it private for a bit. I mean, I haven't even met his family yet!

That's sort of not true. I've met Kevin and Danielle along with their girls. Once Valentina was born, Joe brought me along, deciding it was time to let his older brother meet the girl he was "crazy over" as he put it. I still think he was just trying to make me feel better about not having my own family anymore. But, I'll let him believe that I believe what he said.

I will admit I was never a fan of children, but that could just be because I never had the opportunity to be around them considering my lifestyle. Although, now that I've spent so much time with Alena and Valentina, I've become a huge fan. I can't get enough of all their cuteness!

"What are you over there thinking about?" Joe asks as we ride in the back of the SUV we were traveling to the award show in.

"Not much," I tell him. "Just grateful for everything I have."

He smiles, giving my hand a squeeze as we pull up to the venue. "I'll see you inside."

I nod, kissing him and keeping myself as far away from the door he exits out of as possible. I don't want to be photographed, that's for sure.

I'm soon escorted backstage and into Joe's dressing room, where I sit on the couch and drink from the bottled water I was given... until Joe eventually comes back and joins me, getting ready for his performance and starting his pre-show ritual.

Being called to the stage, Joe and the rest of DNCE get ready to leave, Joe leaning down and kissing me.

"I'll be back," he grins.

"I'll be here," I smile. "Kill it."

"Always do," he winks, leaving the room.

Here's the thing. I come to events to support Joe. I'm never seen, I'm never photographed. I'm not here for anything else. It makes him happy when I'm at any performance and if it makes him happy, I'm happy to do it. It's the simplest way to make the person I'm beginning to think I love... happy.

After the performance, Joe comes back to the dressing room, changing his clothes and looking at me with a smile. "Ready?"

I grin, nodding and standing. "Nope."

He gives me a confused look.

"You're really gonna tell me that you made me get all dressed up and we're not gonna take a photo like we do every time you get me dressed up for one of these things?" I ask, giving him a playful glare.

He chuckles. "You're right. Cole, you got us?"

"Hell yeah," Cole says, doing a weird gesture that I still don't understand, and grabbing Joe's phone.

Joe and I do a couple different poses, the star pose being a simple smile, of course.

"Alright, we're good now," I grin, looking over at him.

He nods and takes my hand, saying bye to everyone over his shoulder as he leads me down the hallway and towards the back entrance where no one will see us leave.

In the car, as we're driven home, Joe and I sit in silence for a moment, although I have to say one thing is still playing on my mind.

"You're thinking about that dog, aren't you?"

"I mean how could I not?" I ask, turning to look at him.

He laughs. "He's not ours, babe."

"I know, but he didn't have a home!"

He chuckles.

"I've never had a dog, Joe. I mean, you know how I grew up! The last thing on my parents' minds were pets."

He nods. "I know, but, I'm about to start traveling and you'll be traveling with me as much as possible. We don't have time for a dog."

"How do you know it would be ours? What if I want a dog to myself?"

"Because what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine," he says, giving me a look.

"Not necessarily," I smirk.

He chuckles. "You get my point."

I nod. "I do. It just sucks," I sigh.

He squeezes my hands. "Maybe later on..."

I grin, leaning into him as he puts his arm around me.

"Are you staying at my place tonight?" he asks.

"Well, I'm not traveling all the way back to mine just to sleep for three hours and come back to yours."

He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. "Sounds like a plan."

This. This is what my new life is like.


hello hello!

I am so excited to post the first chapter of the second book!

I know it's short but I've had a hard time starting up writing after taking about a week off.

thank you all for being patient with me and for all the support!

much love,


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