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Silence woke me up.

i looked over to the bed only to find Ethan still sleeping peacefully . He had grown up so fast and in couple weeks , he will turn 10 .

time sure flows quite fast .

i still remember when i first found him.

- 5 years ago -

few step more , and we will be out of this mess . i told my wolf again and again. we both were tired and didn't had much strength left.

i hadn't eaten anything from last four days and all i am doing is running and fighting . i was on run from the bunch of rogues. they are so fixed on me like a glue. i know i am beautiful but isn't it too much . i mean let a small innocent child live her life peacefully .

"you stole their food and kill few of their people. what do you expect from them? Give you moon and stars and let us go? " my wolf spoke up.

yes. i almost forgot. those stupid rascals were talking about selling me. so i just finished them in a way that now not even their organ are in shape for selling.

i looked around and i saw the pack border. weirdly there are no guards.
i was near the territory of blue stone pack .

i knew their luna .

she was wounded that time and rogues were after her . i helped her and in return she wanted me to come with her to her pack . so i ran away while she was unconscious not wanting to engage in any pack . i know it's good to be in a pack but not for me .

i grew up in wilderness, no one to look after me, no one to fight for me and protect me and no one to love me plus accepting the fact that i am the one that every single wolf pack is after...some for the name that comes with killing me . some to capture me and make me their own killing weapon and some to sell me

what do they think of me ? an in-sale product of h&m .... everyone wants to sell me ! never mind.

i silently followed after the luna to make sure she reaches safely to her pack .

later i heard some rumors that their alpha is looking for girl around 13 years , with forest green eyes and hazel brown hair.

that was the last time someone knew how i look like and i left them alive since they have no idea of who i am .

i stepped inside the pack border and still no one in sight. after running for few more minutes my steps halted as i was taken back by what i saw ....it can be called a worse than a deadly nightmare for some.

there were dead bodies of rogues and the pack member .blood was covering for what once used to be beautiful green land of flowers . pack houses were on fire . i didn't wanted to enter but i did in thought of that lady i saved back then.... i didn't wanted any harm coming to her. she reminds of a mother i never had . who wanted to protect me as her pup .

i masked my scent as i silently and quietly made my way to what seemed like a alpha's wing . i was good in hiding. it's generally difficult for anyone to find me until i want to show myself . i skipped few rogues as my wolf wasn't in any condition to fight. i knew leaving them alive would result in death on either side but let's be honest - 'death is now like an old friend to me' .... i have killed countless people and i am just 14 and people die one way or the other. death is inevitable .

"but you can save them " my wolf replied back.

"i don't get into fight which aren't mine !"
i replied her back in an emotionless tone. ... looking at my own self i was filled with injuries. injuries which would have killed a normal wolf by now . though i knew if i continued further i am sure the result won't be same but putting my whole existence into risk isn't on my to do list for the day.

The ill fated lovers (the Alpha king and his Queen luna)Where stories live. Discover now