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Alexander's pov :

everything felt so confusing, messed up after our argument . she misunderstood us. i was angry beyond explanation. i was pissed up at myself that so many times i unknowingly hurt and injured my own mate. i could still see my claw marks on her neck.

my wolf was going mad. but it all vanished as she accepted that she had fallen for me. but i stupidly stood still there ashamed of my actions, ashamed of myself that i hurt her. i didn't knew what to say.? sorry won't be enough . but before i could hold her.

charlie, and austin with other guards came running towards us .
Austin . this bloody vampire .they all lied to me .

she was hurt i could smell her blood. but i stood there looking not even able to meet her eyes. what a hopeless man i am. how can i even look into her those magical eyes . when i tried killing her so many times. ughh... why am i even alive?

i didn't like that vampire touching my mate. i swear if not for davina i would have ripped his head off. my wolf was once again angry as she started leaving with him.

"undo whatever you had done to me? " i said without realizing what i was saying . so that stay just a few minutes more .

"great. you have pissed her more " my wolf spoke to me.

she didn't uttered a word as her hands touched landed on my shoulder. and after that all i can remember was freezing and burning pain and silence.

i eventually woke up as my body felt so sore. but she wasn't anywhere near. did she left? she left me once again? ....

"find her . i swear if we loose her again. i am gonna disown you human " my wolf said growling at me.

i followed her scent which led me to the cliff point.

a smile formed on my lips as i looked at her. she was looking so beautiful standing there. is she - is she going to jump ? i thought as she stepped closer to the cliff end

"stop her - if she takes another step. she will fall into the sea . stop looking at her like creep and stop her you dumb human. " my wolf spoke.

i was scared to the depth . my heart was beating in a speed i can't comprehend. my legs started to shiver as i didn't knew what should i do ? stopping her forcefully and suddenly will be pushing her more. mahn.. think alex...

"approach her slowly and try diverting the topic , calming her " my wolf said. he is absolutely right.

"i thought you ran away. again " i said .

"are you on some narcotics or something like that? was that the best you could think of "

" it worked she stopped and took a step back and see she is looking at us" i replied to my wolf.

but to my shock she suddenly started crying. it was a torture to me as i saw tears falling non-stop.

i ran towards her as i engulfed her in a hug.

i whispered words to soothen her and it worked as she calmed down slowly falling asleep . her body was still covered with injuries. they are not healing.

i slowly carried her back to home.

Charlie and timm were still taking care of the bodies and burning them. i need to deal with these rogue matter. i need to find a way to deal with it avoiding the option of war as long as i can .

Ethan was back . it was so sudden and late at night that they arrived . Austin was waiting for me.

"is she okay? " he asked running towards me.

"yeah just tired and exhausted. she just felt asleep. so i am going to take her to the room . you should rest to. it's too late i bet you are tired too " o whispered not wanting to wake her up. as she cuddled more closer to my chest.

Austin nodded and left. i silently walked towards our room. as i laid her down on the bed. i chose to lay beside her. as soon as i laid beside her. she cuddled towards me tightly. i smiled at how adorable she looks right now. i grabbed my phone from my side and clicked a picture of her.

she was still in Austin's hoodie and it was bothering me and my wolf badly . so i removed her hand over me .

i walked towards the closet grabbed a thin white shirt and then walked towards the bed.

i changed her into the shirt . it was hard . "to see and not to touch." . i sighed moving the comforter over her as i pulled her closer to me. it was peaceful yet so comfortable.

i decided to stay awake one of the reasons might be because i was scared if she wakes up at night. and the other one was my wolf.
" how did the rogues entered in our territory and who even dared to attack on us? " .

i was confused too. it wasn't the normal rogues something was off about them. their eyes , there whole persona and the fact that davina knows something about them. the continuous rogue attacks from last few weeks are pointing to the only one thing. someone is plotting against us with rougues.

"Charlie, get our warriors ready and increase the border patrol and security to the maximum "
i mind linked charlie as i didn't want any casualties before i get to the end of this matter


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