Chapter 3:

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We were lead by a General, whose name was Master Grint. He was a burly man, with a face that meant business. I marched in line into the biggest room is ever seen. In between the floor and the ceiling was probably 80ft, and it held many transpiration and weapons such as Imperial Walkers, and TIE Fighters.

I almost shivered looking at them, remembering how fatal they are. Pull yourself together.

"And halt!" I did as I was told and turned in attention toward the voice. Up on a grey platform was a skinny old man, but he looked serious and mean.

"Sir. This is group 6.0 ready for inspection." Grint said.

"Cadets," the skinny General began, "you enter this academy as children. And in a few short weeks you will leave as soldiers. By the time you will complete your training, you will be prepared to serve your Emperor. Today, we will test your strength and resolve. Now, are you ready to become Storm Troopers?"

"Sir yes, sir!" I said firmly with the other Cadets. Our answers echoed off the sides of the tall training room.

"At ease."

I sighed and removed my body from the tight attention. Then I slipped my helmet off my head and shook out my hair, it fell down my back.

Out of the corner of my eye I spied the rest of the boys in my group looking at me. I simply rolled my eyes, turned around to find Dev. I guess I sorta got used to this, being the only girl here, they sorta had limited options. Sharing a room with 7 other boys wasn't easy either.

I found Dev to my right, he was wearing the same thing as me, all the cadets were: a white long sleeved shirt, grey pants, high black boots, and a helmet. Each helmet had a different colored design on the sides.

Dev held his red designed helmet in his hands. He was just staring at it. I guess he was in deep thought. I could see his eyes reflecting on the lenses of his helmet.

Those beautiful eyes.

I smiled.

"Dev." I said.

No response.

"Dev?" I asked.

Still nothing.

"Dev!" I said a little louder, this time nudging his shoulder.

Dev jumped a little then, turned to me.

"Huh? What?"

"Dev Morgan? You still in there?" I asked, laughing a little. Dev and I had grown pretty close, but our friendship hadn't destroyed my crush. If anything, it had made it stronger. But I didn't stutter around him anymore.

"Haha, Dev Morgan's in here y-yep." He laughed, nervously.

"You okay Dev? Feeling the pressure huh?" I asked, leaning one arm on his shoulder.

"Sorry Spark, but let's be honest who's really under pressure here? Not the guy who's won every assessment!" Dev said, tilting his head and smirking. Spark was the nickname he'd developed for me.

"Oh yeah?" I challenged him. "Well today I taste victory!" I playfully shoved him away.

He rolled his eyes. "Uh, you said that yesterday, and went hungry." Then he shoved me back.

"Hey!" I giggled and we began playfully wrestling.

Suddenly the floor began to sink under me, like an elevator.

The skinny General and Master Grint stayed at floor level while we sank at a fast rate.

"Cadets, you are now descending into 'The Well'," The smaller general said. "And must climb out with all deliberate speed."

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