Chapter 18:

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"And this is where you'll be staying! At least until we get to your planet."

Hera opened the door and I stepped inside. The place had a bunk bed, the top one looking like it was occupied, and the other looking brand new. The walls however were what dropped my jaw.

They were covered in complicated, and beautiful designs. Swirls, zigzags and pictures completely covered the walls and even the ceiling. There was a large variety of colors, but mostly pink, purple and oranges.

"Woah." I breathed and turned on circle, taking the art in.

"You like?" A voice came from the rooms opening.

Hera and I both turned and found Sabine leaning up against the doorway, smirking at my reaction.

I shook my head in disbelief. "I love it. It's beautiful."

"That's good. It would be pretty bad if you were a graffiti hater and we were gonna be sharing a room." Sabine stepped inside.

"Hera, I'll take it from here, we need to get some new clothes on Sparks over here."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." Hera's smooth voice said, she then walked out of the room. "Oh by the way, we're gonna be taking off for your home planet in about 2 minutes."

"Okay, thank you Hera." I told her and smiled.

Hera smiled back and then left the room.

"Okay. Decisions, decisions." Sabine walked around me, inspecting my body.

I suddenly felt very self conscious, seeing how her body was perfect and how mine... Well wasn't.

"I've got a lot of clothes. What color do you prefer?" Sabine asked, and walked over to a door. She pulled it open and I found a closet full of colorful items. "Sit down, choosing what to wear is also an art."

"Hmmmm." I thought hard to myself and sat on the lower bunk. On Haldeen, I wore a lot of gray and brown, for reasons I didn't even know. But for some reason, I didn't see myself in those bright eye catching colors. They just didn't seem to suit me.

"Black." I decided.

"Sure thing. Do you like skinny pants?" She asked, pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans. "Or do you prefer looser?

I nodded, liking the way those looked. "Skinny."

"Okay." Sabine then pulled out an array of black shirts. "So you want to go baggy? Or do you want to keep it skinny?"

"Keep it skinny?" I asked her.

She smiled. "I like your style missy."

Sabine handed me the pants and then a black tank top. "You like boots right?"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. She bent down and dug through the back of the closet and pulled out black boots. Really nice black combat boots.

"Nice." I muttered.

"I know right." Sabine said, then handed them to me.

I looked at her in surprise. "Really?"

Sabine shrugged. "Yeah. They don't fit anymore anyway. Are you a 7?"

I nodded, taking the boots from her outstretched hand.

"Then those will fit perfectly." Sabine turned back to her full closet.

Suddenly the floor beneath me lurched. I looked to Sabine, who was continuing to look through her closet like nothing was happening.

"Chill out Sparks. We're just taking off." Sabine laughed a little.

"Oh." I blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Ohhhhhh!" Sabine suddenly exclaimed, then ripped something out of her closet. It was a black leather jacket, too small for her, but perfect me me. It was sleek and form fitting.

"And for the final touch. Go try it on!" Sabine then pulled me off the bed and opened the door. Something fell forward landing onto of me, I fell onto the floor.

"What the?" I asked.

I looked up and saw Ezra's face 2 inches away from mine, his body pressing mine to the floor. My heart stopped and I'm pretty sure my face looked like a rotten meliurun: bright red.

"Ezra! What are you doing?" Sabine yelled. Ezra blushed and got off me.

"Sorry guys... I-I was passing your room a-and I tripped... When you opened the door." He stuttered, and helped me off the the floor.

It was just then when I noticed Ezra was wearing something different: an orange jumpsuit with brown boots and a lighter orange vest. He also had green fingerless gloves on.

"Surrrrrre." Sabine said sarcastically. "Not spying on your new girlfriend."

I blushed again and left the room, arms full of new clothes. I quicker found the restroom and went inside.

Quickly and easily I changed. The tank top fit perfectly, the pants were a little long but I rolled them up and his the rolls under my boots. Finally I slipped the jacket on, and took a look in the mirror.

The person staring back at me wasn't the meek girl from Haldeen, but a kickass teen. The black contrasted my eyes and made them seem brighter, not to mention made me look fit and skinny.

"Thank you Sabine." I whispered, then opened the door.

Sabine and Ezra stood waiting in the hall. Sabine stood smirking, nodding in approval. Ezra on the other hand, his jaw dropped. His violet eyes scanned my body, making me blush.

"Sparks, Hun those clothes are now yours. You look incredible." Sabine told me.

"Thanks, this honestly feels great too." I told her, then looked at Ezra. His facial expression hadn't changed.

"E-Ezra?" I asked. It's gonna be a little hard calling him that.

Ezra blinked rapidly. "Y-yeah." He then cleared his throat. "You look great! Uh, come on into the main room and I'll tell you what I couldn't in the supply closet."

I walked towards him, while Sabine giggled a bit. "Supply closet huh?" She laughed then entered her room.

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