Chapter 25:

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"Good morning." Zeb greeted me as I entered the main room.

He sat at the table, a cup of something in his hand.

"Morning." I answered, and sat down next to him. "How far away are we?"

"Um I think about an hour from now, we'll be there." Zeb took a sip from his cup.

"You want some water?" He asked waving his arm over to another small table across the room.

On the table were other cup which I assumed were full of water.

"Sure." I scooted off the bench, and made my way over there.

"Wow!" Zeb said suddenly.


"Your jacket! Sabine?"

Smiling I nodded. "She'd painted this design on her ceiling, and knew that I loved it."

"She really likes you ya know." Zeb told me. "She said it's really nice to have a girl on board closer to her age."

Smiled, but this time a little sadly, picking up a glass of water. "She's so nice to be around. Very funny."

"Awwwww you're getting me all choked up Spark."

I then noticed Sabine leaning up against the wall, a smirk on her pretty face.

"Well excuse me for telling the truth." I sasses her, then sipped my water.

"You like the jacket?" she asked, standing up fully.

"It's the one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me." I told her, and she nudged my shoulder lightly.

Sabine grabbed a cup of water, and shrugged. "Naw it was no trouble. I've been looking for new things to paint and I figured a girl like you needs a symbol."

"Who's got a symbol?" Ezra walked in with Kanan.

"This girl." Sabine spun me around.

I pulled my hair over my shoulder allowing them to see the design clearly.

"You guys like?" I asked, turned slightly.

"Wow, Sabine I have to say that's one of you best." Kanan said in approval, sitting next to Zeb.

"That's so cool! It looks great!" Ezra, came over, punching me lightly on the shoulder.


"Oh hey Hera." Kanan said.

The door to the cockpit opened and Hera decided to join the party.

"Ok, so Haldeen is in sight, but landing will take about 20 minutes. So, be prepared for landing." Hera began. "I'm gonna go get Chopper to prepare the hover car."

With that Hera continued forward through the room and disappeared down the hall.

"Well, I'll go find Chopper. See if that rust pile needs help." Zeb stood and followed where Hera left.

Something warm then intertwined with my fingers. Looking down I realized it was Ezra's gloved hand wrapping around mine. Meeting his eyes, he smirked.

"Come on!" He said, tugging me towards the cockpit.

"Are we allowed?" I asked.

Ezra nodded, and pulled my inside, the doors shutting behind us.

Out the window was my planet. Half of it was covered in water, but the other half was covered in sand, patches of green every once in a while and large cloud cover.

"Wow." Ezra looked at my home.

"Ezra, Haldeen. Haldeen, Ezra." I playfully introduced as the Ghost got closer and closer.

"It looks pretty cool, we never have forests on Lothal."

I blinked in surprise. "You lived on Lothal? You never told me that."

"Dammit I knew I left something out." Ezra chuckled, and put an arm over my shoulder, making my heart beat a little faster.

"Well anyway, the forests aren't that amazing. It's just a bunch of trees." I recalled memories of exploring the forest behind my house.

"What are trees not exciting?" Ezra joked with me.

"You've obviously never met one." I laughed.

Ezra shook his head while laughing and bit his lip. I stopped laughing and looked back at him.

Tell him! It may be now or never!

I inhaled. "Ezra, there's something I've gotta say before I leave."

Ezra's eyes lit up in anticipation. "What is it?"

"I've got... I feel like... I really..." I sighed in frustration.

Why is this so complicated? Just say it!

Closed my eyes briefly and then hugged Ezra, he immediately wrapped his arms wrapped around my waist.

"What is it?" He whispered into my ear. He then pulled away from the hug, keeping his arms around me.

I took a deep breath then looked him right in the eyes.

Come on. You can do it.

"Ezra, I-" I was interrupted by the cockpit door opening and Hera stepped in.

Immediately we jumped apart, and stood awkwardly next to one another. Luckily I don't think Hera saw anything.

"We've got 15 minutes. Just to let you guys know." Hera then sat down in her pilot seat and switched off autopilot.

I peeked at Ezra, who had his full attention on me. All confidence I'd gained was gone, thrown out the window and lost in deep space. Without another word, I hurried out of the cockpit and rushed to Sabine's room.

Into the Unknown: A Star Wars Rebels FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now