Chapter 16:

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The Generals voice boomed over a loud speaker.

"We are under attack! I repeat under attack! Close Hangar Door!"

Out of the windshield, I saw a large metal door begging to seal the hangar shut. Zare pressed a control and the Walker began marching forward.

"Zare, fire at the door. It can't close if we want to get out of here!" I told him, leaning over shoulder. Zare began madly pressing buttons.

"Got it!" He hollered. And pressed a control that shot red laser out of our front cannon.

The first 4 shots hit the door, not doing any real damage, but the 5 shot hit another Walker outside the hangar, making it explode into flames. I cringed for a moment, but then got my head back in the game.

"Our lasers aren't doing any damage! Is there anything more powerful you can try?" I asked him over the blaring of the sirens that just went off in the hangar.

Zare shook his head.

"If there was, that guy didn't show me!" He gestured to the unconscious man on the floor. "To escape we have to try and make it out before the door shuts."

I nodded, but gasped a little. The door was almost halfway shut.

"This is MRC-01." The Generals voice rang on the over speaker. "There is a rouge Walker in the Academy. Advance and destroy!"

"Okay, that doesn't sound good." Zare's voice quivered.

Down below us a tank rolled in our route of escape. It lifted it's gun and fired at our Walker.

The shot hit and our Walker defaulted momentarily. A jolt of electricity shot through us and rattled my skull.

"Zare! The tank down below!" I told him.

"I see it! I see it." He told me, and began firing back.

The tanks other shots began missing our top, but now they were continuously aiming low...

"Zare they're shooting for our Walker's feet! Just focus on driving the thing, once we get out shoot!" I told him.


I blinked my eyes, putting a hand on my temple.

Dev? Where are you? How are you gonna get inside?

Working on that!

Suddenly there was a loud thump on the left side of the Walkers compartment. I gasped.

"Dev!" I shouted and climbed over Oleg to get to the hatch at the top.

"What are you doing?" Zare shouted at me.

The wind blew in my face hard, making me wish I put my helmet on. I squinted my eyes open and saw Dev dangling on the side of the Walker.

"Dev!" I shouted, and slide over to him.

"Sparks! Careful!" He shouted back.

I held onto the Walker, it's movement jostling me about, but reached out as far as I could with one hand.

Dev retaliated, reaching back. Suddenly metal screeched and our Walker began collapsing.

With one last reach I grabbed Dev's outstretched hand and yanked him onto the top of the compartment.

"Hold on!" I yelled to him.

The compartment slammed against the ground, both of us went tumbling though the air. My switched instinct kicked in and I tucked and rolled, landing on my feet.

Dev on the other hand, stumbled and fell on his face.


The clicking of ammunition made shivers go down my spine. I turned slowly with my hands up. Standing front of me were 7 Storm Troopers, each with its gun trained on me.


The Trooper closest to me fell over, laser singed his uniform.

"What the?" One asked, then he got shot too.

"Oh yeah. Did I mention we had back up?" Dev stood up beside me, his helmet off and smirking his famous smirk.

"Who?" I asked.

And whipped out my stun gun. I shot at two soldiers. Dev pulled me out of the way of two blasts, while I shot another.


Up from above a young women in colored armor jumped down from the top of the tank and took out the other two guards.

She stood up fully, and I realized she was very tall, much taller than me. She also had a helmet on, covering her face.

"You okay?" The girl walked up to Dev and I.

"Yeah thanks Sabine." Dev answered, giving her a high five.

I pointed at Sabine. "Your backup?" I asked, laughing a little.

"That was awesome." I told her.

Sabine punched my shoulder lightly. "I like her, Ezra, where'd you find her?"

My mind went blank. "What?"

Then behind us, the hatch on the Walker banged open. Smoke filled out, and Zare stuck his head out.

"Uh, a little help?" He asked.

Sabine and Dev ran over to help him out of the smoking Walker as I stood in confusion.

"Who's Ezra?" I asked.

Sabine took Zare's arm and put it over her shoulders, pulling him out.

"Beep beep whop."

The black droid rolled over to us, saying something in droid language.

"He's right." Sabine said, "We need to go!"

"Wait! Spark! Give me your Blaster!" Zare then stood up.

I handed it to him. "Why?"

"Cause I'm staying."

"What?" Dev asked.

"It's the only way I'll find my sister."

I sighed. Then walked over and hugged him. My gift felt a pang of hurt, or... Jealousy. But it wasn't my own.

I pulled away. "Thank you," I told him. "For everything."

He nodded and smiled.

"We've got bucket head coming in!" Sabine pointed to a crowd of soldiers rushing at us.

"I'll keep in touch." Dev said, then grabbed my hand, running away from the wreckage, Sabine and the droid in our trail.

A hover car pulled up in front of us and we jumped in. Speeding off, we left Zare in the dust, blasters firing at our tail.

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