Chapter 33:

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I awoke feeling cold metal pressed to my cheek. My eyes fluttered open, before me a closed door stood sideways. Then I realized that the door wasn't sideways; I was. I was on the floor of a metal closet.

I sat up and looked around, finding my hands stained with blood. Memories then began flooding my mind.

Gasping, my breathing became unsteady.

You killed him. He's dead because of you.

You're awake. A different voice bounced through my brain.

I shook my head. "No don't come in." I whispered.

I shooter over to the far corner of the room and hugged my knees to my chest.

The door slide open, and Ezra walked in immediately.

"Sparks." Ezra said mournfully, and crouched down next to me.

He tried to pry me from my ball, but I didn't budge.

"Not now Ezra." I whimpered, and curled in tighter to myself.

"Not now? Then when?" Ezra sat up against the wall next to me.

Not knowing how to respond I shook me head. We were silent, then I relaxed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What now?" I asked.

Ezra inhaled and turned his head slightly. "That's actually what I needed to ask you."

"What do you mean?"

Ezra smiled a bit. "Would you like to become apart of the Ghost's crew?"


"Join us?" Ezra stood up and pulled me to my feet.

My heart raced in delight, then faltered. I shook my head, then looked up at Ezra.

"I can't. What if something like this," i gestured to the dried blood on my hands. "happens again to one of you guys. I can't deal with that. No, I'm still not over my dad. I'm not that kind of person. I'm not ready."

Ezra pulled me into a hug, and stroked my messy long hair.

"I need you here. Nothing like that will happen. I promise, we'll protect each other-"

"Oh yeah protect each other. My stupidity and fear caused me to shoot my own father."

"Kanan can help you now. He can teach you the ways of the force. Help you become a Jedi so nothing like that happens ever again."

I pulled away, smiling up at him. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Ezra smirked. "So, Sparks Hertla. Will you join the crew?"

I felt a tear of happiness roll down my cheek and I tackled Ezra into a bone crushing hug. "Yes! Yes! Yes! One million times yes!" I cheered in delight.

Ezra hugged me back even tighter, sending chills down my spine.

"Sparks, they're something else I have to ask you."

I looked up at him, and smiled. "Yea-"

I was interrupted by warm lips crashing on mine. I kissed back, adrenaline rushing through my veins. It was soft yet sweet.

Oh please don't let this be a dream.

Don't worry it's not.

I could feel him smirk under the kiss. We finally pulled away for air. Ezra's eyes lit up, and he was smiling like an idiot.

"Sparks Hertla, will- will you be mine?"

I smirked back. "Does this answer your question?"

I kissed him again, and he kissed me back.

Suddenly the door opened. Ezra and I jumped away and found Sabine smirking in the door way.

"What is it with you two and closets?" She asked chuckling.

"Prepare for hyperspace!" Heras voice shouted.

The ship lurched forward and shot into hyperspace.

We were off. Off into... Well into the unknown.

Into the Unknown: A Star Wars Rebels FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now