Chapter 24:

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I handed Sabine the pink spray gun.


I handed the blue to her and she sprayed the ceiling.

"Final touch. Can I have the Orange?"

I shuffled around until a found an orange spray, then handed it up to her.

"Thanks," Sabine gave the ceiling a last sprits.

She then hopped back down and stood back to admire her work.

"What do you think?" She asked.

I walked a little closer and stood under it, my neck straining to see. It looked incredible. The colors were mixed together perfectly, making it look like you'd burn your hand if you were to touch it.

"That honestly might be the best thing I've ever seen." I told her.

Sabine twirled the paint gun in her hand, then took a look at me. Or more specifically: my jacket. "Hmmm."

I then heard the door's mechanical squeak and turned to find Hera walking in.

"Hi guys. Ohhhh nice new painting Sabine!"

Sabine took a playful bow. "Why thank you."

"Well it's curfew, we'll be at Haldeen by tomorrow morning. I just put the Ghost into autopilot. You guys should get to bed." Hera then yawned herself.

"You too Hera, Good night." Sabine said, Then began to unstrap her armor, until she was just in a tan shirt and black pants.

"Good night Hera, thanks again." I smiled then took off my leather jacket.

"Good night, it's honestly no problem Sparks." Hera left.

I sighed from relief of taking the jacket off. With great care I folded the jacket and put it on the end of my bed and climbed in.

Sabine climbed on top and slipped inside.

"Night Sabine." I yawned.

"Night Sparks." Her charming voice yawned back.


"Chopper you little pile of junk! I'm gonna get you!"

My eyes flashed open as something slammed hard into my door. I sprung out of bed and ran to open the door.

I peaked my head outside. The hallway was now empty and quiet.

What the hell?

Suddenly the door leading to the main room opened and in came Chopper, running- well wheeling at full speed away from Zeb who was chasing him with a wrench. Zeb seemed to take no notice of me and just ran past, following the droid into another hall.

"Get back here!"

Behind Zeb ran in Ezra.

"Leave some of him for-" he stopped in mid yell, staring at me.

I just stared back at him in utter confusion.

"Yeah, this happens a lot." He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well good morning to you too." I laughed.

"Morning." He answered, and then leaned up against the wall next to me.

"What happened?" I asked, gesturing in the direction Zeb and Chopper disappeared.

Ezra shrugged. "Chopper kinda likes to bug us, and we sorta loose it sometimes."

"Sorta?" I asked.

"Yeah well maybe we really loose it."

I giggled. "I've got to get ready, I'll see you soon?"

Ezra smiled and nodded, just as Chopper came whirring back into the hall, Zeb on his tail.

I slipped back inside my room and shut the door, shouting and bangs coming from the other side.

I shook my head and the walked over to the bunk. Looking up, I found Sabine gone. Her bunk empty.

"Hm." I said aloud, then flamed at the end of my bed, where I'd left my jacket last night.

It was there and folded, but not folded the way I'd left it. Curious I unfolded the leather jacket and gasped. On the back of the jacket was an array of colors. The design was identical to the one Sabine had created on her ceiling. It had the same burning effect, leaving me breathless looking at it.

"Oh my god Sabine." I whispered and ran my fingers over the smooth paint.

It was dry, but the odor was still fresh. It was then I noticed a note fell out of the jacket and landed on my foot. Putting the jacket aside I bent down to pick up the note.

Feel free to use anything in my room necessary to get ready. -Sabine P.S hope you like my latest project. ;)

I smiled widely and laughed a bit. I picked the jacket up again and slipped it on. I felt amazing. I felt like a new girl.

I'm really gonna miss her. All of them.

I then frowned a bit, but picked up a brush from Sabine's table and plan brushing my long dark hair.

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