Chapter 14:

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"Okay, you guys know what to do. Any questions?"

Dev looked at both of us.

"I don't." I responded, then turned to Zare. "You?"

Zare shook his head. "I've got none."

"If anything goes wrong, improvise." Dev continued. "We don't have any other opportunities."

I nodded.

"Let's do this thing." Leonis smirked.

"This assessment begins in 30 seconds." Grint's voice boomed from floor level.

The other Cadets had been in there groups, or stood alone. The Well hadn't changed and we were given blasters.

"Morgan, you lead the way since your the fastest. Hertla will be in between and I'll hold the rear. Any objections?" Zare asked.

"No, Sparks, you have the best aim." Dev then turned to me. "Shoot every platform you see. No matter how far away it is."

"20 seconds."

"Get ready." Zare aimed his blaster at the nearest platform.

You ready?

I blinked. The thought that just ran through me head was not my own. I looked to Dev.

Dev? I asked through my mind.

Dev turned and looked at me, smiling.

Yeah. We can communicate through our thoughts. Weird I know.

That's cool, but right now we need to focus, I answered him.

I know, but this was just incase we needed it, I didn't want to show you later when we might be in trouble. Dev's thought sang in my conscious.

Oh well that's a lovely thought, I told him sarcastically.

Luckily Zare didn't notice our silent conversation. He was busy trying to map our route.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1."

Just then the Well erupted with lasers from blasters. My switch turned on, filling me with power, I smirked under my helmet.

Leonis shot a platform 15 feet away. It sprung from the wall and moved quickly left.

"Come on!" Dev ran first and hopped onto the platform. I followed in pursuit, Zare on my tail.

I shot a platform that resided on the floor, then another to the right.

Dev, who seemed to me reading my thoughts-

Well he probably is. Literally.

jumped from our first platform to the next one arising from the floor. He swung from that one and landed on his feet on the other platform I'd shot.

Almost immediately I followed him. I didn't land as cleanly as he did, and slipped. My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I began to tumble over the side, thinking about the pain it brought me the last time I'd fallen. An arm then snaked around my waist and tugged me back into standing position.

I shifted in my rescuer's arms, and saw a white helmet with a red design. Dev.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"Come on lovebirds! Oleg's catching up." Zare yelled, then shot at a platform, but missed.

I rolled and removed my self from Dev's grip, shooting the platform that Zare had attempted with ease.

Dev hopped up onto it. And I turned to Zare.

"Jeez Leonis your slowing us down." I criticized playfully, then followed Dev.

Behind me I heard him chuckle slightly, then he hopped up behind me. We continued this pursuit for a good amount time; I shoot, Dev leads and Zare gives us updates.

"Pretty far ahead, but Oleg isn't exactly out of range!" He warned us at one point.

I turned briefly and saw he was right. A green helmet was following our trail, not too far behind Zare.

I whipped myself forward again and shot 5 times, each time the laser finding it's target.

"Where the hell did you learn to shoot?" Zare asked, then grunted as he landed behind me on a fast moving platform.

I smirked, and shot again. "From the best."

"Come on keep up! We're almost there!" Dev then leaped pushing off one platform with his left foot and propelled off landing onto another, The platform he landed on was right above our heads.

I began shooting high.

"Zare! You got first! I need to shoot more so we have somewhere to go!" I yelled to him, then began aiming. I shot twice at a platform, missing both times. I grunted in frustration. The targets from this distance were puny. Not to mention, I was on a moving surface.

Focus Sparks.

I inhaled and allowed my ability to take over. I shot again, hitting the red light.

"Sparks look out!"

Something from above dropped and landed on my platform. I whipped around just in time to witness Dev standing in front of me, getting shot with a blaster by Oleg.

Dev's body shook violently from the electricity and fell off the platform.


I screamed in panic and fell to my knees looking over the edge of the platform. Luckily he landed not too far down, maybe 5 feet below, on a platform moving left. But Oleg was now in front of him.

Dev sat up weakly and waved his hand. "Keep going!" He called to me, his voice sounding scratchy.

I nodded to him and glared at Oleg, who took his advantage, hopping quickly towards me.

Oleg shot at me again, but this time my gift kicked in and I jumped. But I didn't jump normally, I jumped abnormally high, landing on the platform that Zare was standing on, 5 feet above me.

Zare stared at my through his helmet.


"No time!" I interrupted, then hopped onto a different platform. Leonis followed. This platform took us all the way to the top.

I put my blaster on the floor and pulled myself up, Leonis next to me.

I ripped my helmet off and looked back down into the chasm. A Cadet yanked himself out and stood up next to me.

My heart dropped to my stomach. On the side of his helmet was a green design.

Dev didn't make it.

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