Chapter 20:

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I followed Kanan through the ship, until we came upon a little room. It had controls like a steering cockpit, except it only had one seat, and the window was huge showing me the starry landscape of deep space.


Kanan turned to me. "Never been in space before?"

I shrugged. "Once, but that was only to get to the Academy, but that compartment didn't have windows, so I didn't get to see the outside."

"Yeah, hate those types of transportation. You miss everything. Take a seat." Kanan leaned up against the glass of the window.

Third time today, I chuckled internally, but sat in the seat.

"What do you do in here?" I asked Kanan.

"Well, if and when we're attacked, this is our firepower. The cannon, is right below this cockpit." Kanan pointed to the controls.

I nodded.

"So, let's get to the point. Obviously we've heard much about you from Ezra. And we all know about your talent."

I paused. "W-what is it? Why can I do what I can do?"

Kanan smiled.

"It's not a bad thing. It's actually something most people wish they possessed. But- when used the wrong way, it can be extremely destructive."

Immediately memories of the event in the Mess hall flashed though my mind.

"You, Sparks, are what some call force-sensitive. This means that the Force is very strong with you, and you can use it to your ability."

"But, what's the force?" I asked.

"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an Energy field created by all living things." The Jedi began. "It surrounds us, penetrates us. And it binds the Galaxy together. And it is extremely strong with you. I knew that as soon as I saw you."

I knew it.

"You felt the connection too." I stated.

Kanan nodded. "Ezra told me he did too the first time he saw you. But here's what I needed to tell you. Once you return home to your father on Haldeen, you shouldn't use the force anymore."

I sat up abruptly in my seat. "W-what?"

Kanan sighed. "I know, it's not fair. But you don't have anyone to teach you to use it properly, so under bad influence, you could easily turn to the dark side. To the Empire."

I breathed in and out, taking the terrible news in.

I can't use this anymore? I can't be special? I can't be different?

"I'm honestly very sorry Sparks. But it's for your own safety and for the safety of those you love. Do you swear to me not to use it once you return?" I looked back up at Kanan, who stuck his hand out to me.

Do it for your father, you can't risk that happening.

I didn't say anything but nodded and took Kanan's gloved hand, and shook it.

"Thank you."

I didn't say anything but looked down at my lap.

Then I heard Kanan shift and walk out of the cockpit. I was alone, again alone and miserable.

I groaned and sat back, staring out at the stars.

You just gave away the only thing that made you special.

Into the Unknown: A Star Wars Rebels FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now