Chapter 30:

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The Inquisitor lunged at me, his lightsaber swinging in at full speed. Everything went into slow-motion and I ducked. The laser sword missed me, and I took this opportunity to take a shot.

I released the string, and the arrow met its target, but didn't penetrate. The Inquisitor stood up to full height, my razor sharp arrow sticking out of his chest plate.

He yanked the arrow out and swung at me again, this time I dodged it just barley.

I need an escape route.... But he has to be out of the way...

I waited for his next swing. The inquisitor then swung with his back hand. Grabbing the handle of the lightsaber I twisted his arm, then kicked him in the chest.

The Inquisitor was sent flying backwards towards the transport.

"Get her!" The commander shouted.

Before they could shoot I whipped out an arrow, shooting a storm trooper. To my luck, he was standing alone in front of an open alley.

"Come on!" My dad began running for the opening. I followed behind him, dodging blaster fire as I ran.

I sped through the alley, the other side leading us to an empty street. A street I knew shouldn't have been empty.

"The car." I whispered.

"What?" my father asked.

"I-I had an escape car. A hover car." I stuttered. "But it's gone."

There was then shouting behind us and a laser hit the building in front of us.

"We need to run." My father's then began sprinting down the street, I followed quickly, loading my bow again.

"There they are!" A deep accented voice shouted.

The familiar sight of a red laser sword was seen out of the corner of my eye.

"Bring the transport around!"

I gasped and sprinted faster.

What now? They'll easily get us with that transport!

Almost on que bright white lights glared down in front of us, causing us to freeze in our tracks.

They got here already?

"Spark!" A familiar voice shouted. "Get in!"

I blinked and realized it wasn't a transport's lights on us. It was a Hover car's.

My original escape car.


I grabbed my father's arm, and pushed him to the Hover Car.

"You know these guys?" My father asked.

"Yeah! Get in!"

With great difficulty I helped my dad into the Car, his hands still bound in front of him.

Ezra leaned over from the side and grabbed hold of me, yanking me into the car.

I found Zeb at in the Driver's seat. "Buckle up." He almost laughed and sped us off that street.

Ezra then took me by the shoulders and started shaking me like a mad person.


I shrugged his arms off me. "I needed to get my dad back! You would do the same for your loved ones!"

"Ugh! Never do that again!"

Ezra wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into breath-taking hug. Not just breath-taking cause he was touching me... But also cause he was squeezing the living daylights out of me.

"Alright! Catch up later!" Zeb called. "Right now we need to get out of here."

I looked back to my dad sitting next to me. He was looking at me in surprise, and confusion. Quickly I grabbed some pliers and cut his binds.

"Is he your boyfriend?" My dad asked.

Heat rushed to my cheeks. "No! Dad we'll talk later!"

Suddenly the hover car stopped. I stared through the windshield. Blocking our route out of the city were two walkers, and a transport. All around the machines were a dozen storm troopers. And the Inquisitor.

The whine of electricity caught my attention. A walker turned and aimed right at our hover car.

"Get out!" Ezra shouted, grabbing me and leaping out of the car, right before it exploded. I landed hard on the ground, luckily my bow still in my hand.

I stared back in the wreckage in horror.

I didn't get my dad out.

Just then the smoke cleared a bit, and I could just make out the large form of Zeb, my father's arm over his shoulder.

I was relieved but only for a moment. The troopers began closing in. The Inquisitor smirking while twirling his weapon.

"Ah! The Padawan... But where is his Jedi?"

Ezra hopped to his feet, then pulled me up next to him.

"Not too far. He's on his way now, and he's going to kick your-"

Ezra was interrupted by the deafening sound of a star ship. More specifically: The Ghost.

The ship deceased from the sky and landed on the road. The ramp opened and out popped the rest of the crew. All armed to the teeth.

I smirked and turned back to the Inquisitor, who glared in fury.

"Whenever you're ready." I taunted him, and loaded my weapon.

I turned to Ezra slightly, and he smirked back. We both had one thought in unison.

Let's do this.

Into the Unknown: A Star Wars Rebels FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now