Chapter 27:

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I gasped and sprang out of the Car and sprinted to the door.

"Dad!" I screamed. "Dad!"

I slipped through the half open door, and bounded down my hallway. The walls were scratched and tattered. The picture frames that once were on the walls laid shattered on the floor.

"Dad!" I yelled. "Are you here?"

"Sparks! Wait!" Ezra's voice yelled from outside.

I ignored him and ran into my kitchen. The door swung open, and I froze. The kitchen was a disaster. Blaster holes riddled the walls and a knife was dug into the counter. Blood was sprinkled on the floor.

"Spark!" Ezra ran in behind me, and stopped beside me. He gasped taking in the horror filled sight.

I just stood there stunned."What-?"

Slowly I walked forward into the kitchen, Ezra following my trail.

"They got here before we did." Ezra whispered.

I said nothing.

They? The Empire? They found him. Where is he? What did they do to him?

My eyes scoured the blaster holes in the walls. The only thing that looked normal was the table. That's when I noticed a lone creme colored paper sitting in the middle of the table.

I began walking over, when my boot hit something small. It clattered across the floor, flickering in the light.

Ezra wandered over to the object and picked it up with his fingers. "Is this-"

I snatched the shiny object and held it in my palm. My empty hand shot to my mouth, and a choked back a scream.

In my hand was the ring. The ring I gave my father on his birthday when I was 9.

"Is that..." Ezra trailed off.

I nodded, a tear escaping my eye. Swallowing my tears, I picked up the paper.

Greetings Household Visitor,
This owner of this house, Thar Hertla, has been taken into custody for involvement in treason. He will be taken to a prison then executed for his crimes against the Empire. His home will be sold by the end of this season. If you are to come across his daughter, Sparks Hertla, report her to the Authorities at once.

-The Imperial Empire.

My knees came out from under me and I wept into my hands. Ezra bent down next to me and hugged me.

"It's okay Spark. It's okay." He tried to comfort me, and wrapped his arms around me As he sat on the floor next to me.

"We didn't get here on time. I-" I couldn't get the rest of the words out and sobbed, my tears splashing on the floor.

Then the dark feeling came on again. The evil switch. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. Slipping my fathers ring onto my finger, I made my way to the closet.

"Sparks? What are you doing?" Ezra asked.

I didn't answer but moved a large coat out of the way and pulled out the bow from it's hiding place.

My bow was black, the metal sleek. It was the nicest thing we... now I owned.

"Spark..." Ezra came up next to me, looking at my weapon in awe.

I then ripped the quiver out. I slipped and arrow out a observed it's tip. Razor sharp. Determined I strapped the quiver onto my back.

Ezra's eyes widened and he grabbed my arm firmly. "I know what you're thinking, and no. You can't go by yourself. We'll figure something out. The crew can help-"

I glared at Ezra and ripped my arm out of his grasp. Shaking my head remorsefully I picked my bow up with my left hand.

Ezra's eyes facial expression begged for me to stop. For me not to. I knew my normal self would have listened, but this new side of me was hungry for revenge. Hungry for them to be in pain.

"And what?" I asked, my voice growled. "You think you're going to stop me?"

With that I ran out of my home and hopped into the Hover Car. As fast as I could, I sped off down the road, Ezra yelling behind me.

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