Chapter 31:

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I whipped out an arrow and shot, the Inquisitor blocked it with his lightsaber. Blasters began shooting at the crew, but Kanan whipped out a light blue lightsaber and stopped the shots. Hera and Sabine shot at the Troopers.

I sprinted over to my father and and Zeb. "Get to the ship!"

"Ezra!" Zeb suddenly shouted.

I whipped back to the Inquisitor. He had Ezra on the ground by the tip of his Saber.

"No!" I screamed and shot at him.

My arrow almost hit, but he ducked at the last second. My shot gave Kanan enough time to get over there and help.

The screech of the two weapons rang over the sounds of battle when the enemies clashed.

"Ah, I've been waiting for you!" The Inquisitor evilly chuckled.

"Stay away from them!" Kanan growled and swung.

The Inquisitor blocked the attack with ease and leaped back at Kanan. Kanan narrowly ducked and parred the swing.

"Zeb! We need back-up!" Hera yelled over the blaster fire.

"Coming!" Zeb, then looked at my weak father. He had been injured from the hovercar explosion.

"Ezra! Take Spark's dad! They need me!" Zeb, then gently put my dad on the ground and ran to help Sabine and Hera.

Ezra took Zeb's place on the ground next my dad.

"Ezra!" I yelled to him,, notching another arrow. "Get my dad to the Ghost. I'll help Kanan!"

"Wait!" Ezra lunged to me and grabbed my wrist. I looked him right in the eyes. "Please... Just be careful."

I nodded and smiled a bit, before sprinting to the lightsaber battle. Ezra behind me, with great difficulty began heaving my dad the the ship.

"Hey!" I shouted and shot.

The Inquisitor turned briefly and dodged my arrow, also dodging Kanan's next attack.

"Don't stop shooting!" Kanan told me. I did as order and continued taking shots, each time aiming in a different place.

The situation seemed hopeless. I was running out of arrows, it wasn't really helping Kanan, and Ezra had barley gotten anywhere with my father.

Suddenly the Inquisitor swung, this time disarming Kanan. He hit Kanan in the head with the hilt of his sword. Kanan hit the ground unconscious.

"Kanan!" I yelled and took another shot.

The Inquisitor turned to me, and blocked my arrow again with his lightsaber.

He smirked. "It seems that it's just you and I again Ms. Hertla."

I didn't say anything, but whipped another arrow into place. I gasped and felt around in my quiver.

Empty. This is my last shot.


The transport blew up, and a wall of black smoke separated the Inquisitor and I. I was alone surrounded by smog, the Inquisitor out of sight.

I turned continuously in a circle, trying to get view of him.

Where is he? Where's everyone else?You have to make this shot.

I inhaled, but coughed smoke invaded my lungs and I coughed hard.

"Did you really think you would win?" A cold voice then called from behind me.

My switch turned on and I whipped around and shot into the darkness. There was a sickening 'thunk', that let me know my arrow met it's target. But something didn't feel right, I didn't feel like it hit my target.

The smoke cleared, and what I saw before me made me scream. The Inquisitor stood about 20 feet from me, my father standing in front of him.

My dad had an arrow sunk into his chest. My arrow. My shot. The Inquisitor dropped him, and my father slumped to the ground. Dead.

I just killed my father.

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