Chapter two-Saviour

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P.S This is important I only now realise ever time I type YOU it automatically changes to you'll I'm so sorry but I  Will correct the ones I see it you can comment where the mistake is and I will edit it

Love you my butterflies❤🌈

Few minutes before the incident

Jungkook POV

I made my way to the airport to pick up my friend. I haven't seen him in forever so I am quiet excited. I was dressed in full black with my mask on. I didn't want to be spotted by my fans simply because my friend was not comfortable with all the attention so I had to keep a low profile

As I enter the airport there was a big crowd there, I was confused but as I looked at the signs I realised they were here for Blackpinks Lisa..I'm kind of a fan I really enjoy her raps. I wanted to get to know her cause she seems like a chilled person but Blackpink is not allowed to talk to us or pretty Much any boy band even their label mates because their company is very strict

The only person that's a boy and is close to Blackpink Lisa is Got7 Bambam because the public already knows about their friendship YG allows them to chat .As I walked past her I noticed she didn't have bodyguards only her manager was with her and the airport security who were trying to control the crowd

It was odd such a big star won't have bodyguards but I just brushed the thought off. I was turning around to walk away when I notice someone throwing some kind of liquid at her she saw it coming but was frozen I couldn't just stand there and do nothing so I jumped over the barrier and as I did my mask fell off but that was not important right now. I had to save her so I  pulled her waist towards me.

I could feel her shaking as the liquid fell to the floor I tapped her lightly trying to comfort her to be honest I don't even know why I did that it was like an instinct

She took a deep breath and than lifted her head up from my chest our eyes met and for the moment we stood there staring at each other

I felt something I can't quiet describe but we quickly looked away as we finally came to reality and looked around all her fans were staring at us.Than one of them screamed"isn't the Jungkook from Bts"

My eyes widened I was about to run when I realised I was still holding her,I quickly let go and ran

As fans began to follow me I barely made it to my car as I drove away I finally had time to think,today was one crazy day and I'm pretty sure it's about to get crazier tomorrow once our companies find out what happened today

As I was driving I remembered I forgot about my friend,I quickly called and apologized and once I got back to the dorms I couldn't hold it in so I ended up telling all my members about the incident

Namjoon seemed angry he couldn't believe I was so careless"You know Jungkook you are going to be in big trouble not only with our CEO but also our fans,although I know they will support you but they will cause trouble for Lisa"

His words made me realize how bad the situation was ,I replied "I know but it's not like we are dating so all we have to do is clear the whole situation up and it will be fine"

Namjoon face pumped himself "It's not that easy you know,even if you realise a statement there will be lots of rumors and people would still speculate"

"Well than I guess I'm screwed"as I though of the problem at hand I couldn't help but wonder how Lisa was handling the situation and if she was alright

QUICK QUESTION: What would you'll like to read next?

1)Another lizkook/liskook fanfic
    Alpha king jungkook and his mate
    Or Lizkook  CEO's wife
2)Haikyuu fanfic
3)Jujutsu kaisen fanfic
4)Taelice fanfic

Please comment or private message me or message me on my profile whatever you comfortable with I really want to know =)

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