Chapter fourteen-The truth

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Jungkook POV

I was happy when going to the fan meeting but ever since I saw Lisa I've been worried she didn't seem quite herself

She told me she was going to tell me after the fan meeting was done, I'm happy she feels like she can tell me anything

As the fan meeting proceeded a man came to meet her and this seemed to bother her I was wondering who he was and why he made Lisa look almost distressed

A million things were going on in my mind like what if she wants to end our relationship or what if she is seeing someone No no Lisa won't do that to me

I pull my self from my thoughts when I stare at her she tells me she was going to tell me later I smiled and nodded still unsure if what she was going to tell would break my heart

She kissed me on my cheek and I couldn't help but smile

After the fan meeting we were heading to our cars when Lisa suddenly stopped the elevator

"Kookie I have to tell you something"

By the sound of it what she was gonna tell me wasn't good

"Okay go ahead"

"Its just that..."

"You going to break up with me right,listen I don't know what I did wrong but I'll change if you give me the chance because I don't think I can lose you"

"What No I'm not going to break up with you kookie, it's just I need to tell you about my past"

"What about your past"

"Its hard to talk about how about we go somewhere to talk please"

"Of course I know a place I'll take you there"

She nodded and we were making our way off the elevator when someone suddenly grabbed Lisa's

"Yah why.."

She looked shocked and unable to speak it was the guy from the fan meeting

"Why are you grabbing her hand"

I asked as I snatched her hand away from him

"Its non of your business this is between Me and Lisa so why don't you just leave"

Now I was getting angry who the hell does he think he is to say that. I am Lisa's boyfriend

But before I could answer

"Don't speak to him like that he is my boyfriend and he cares about everything related to me so I guess it is his business"

I was happy Lisa was backing me up
But the guy didn't look happy

"Lisa how could you talk to me like this I know I made a mistake but why can't you forgive me and let's just move on"

"I will never forgive you and I did move on I have jungkook and I love him"

Wait did she just say she loves me👀❤❤❤
I can't believe this she actually loves me I would be happy but right now I'm trying to figure out what's going on and from the looks of it he seems like her ex

"Lisa what's going on?"

"What's going on is that I'm Lisa's first  and only love so why don't you just leave so we can be happy together and we are going to get married"

"Are you crazy I'm not going to marry you and no one can make me...listen Jungkook he is my ex boyfriend okay let's go please and I'll tell you everything I promise I don't love him I only love you"

"Thats not what you said yesterday was it you told me you was only with Jungkook because of the attention you getting and you only love me"

When he said that my heart broke was this really what Lisa though was I just a way for her to get more attention I couldn't think straight I didn't hear anything after that I just left I needed time to think

Lisa POV

Why was he lying I looked at jungkook
"Kookie please believe me I never said that please just listen he is trying to do this so we can split up please believe me"

But Jungkook never once turned around he just left he looked heart broken and so was I why would he not believe me why

I dropped to the floor sobbing I didn't know what to do than my ex Kun bent down to pick me up

"Lisa you better off without him come on you have me I promise this time I won't cheat on you after the first time I lost you I knew what an idiot I am .I realized just how much I loved you so please give me a second chance your parents promised my family we would get married so lets make this work"

"Don't touch me I will never forgive you or give you a second chance when I left I was hurt I won't lie, I was in love with you we were going to get married I even was ready to put you before my career but even if you didn't cheat I would have still left because being a k pop idol was my dream and if you loved me you would never ask me to give that up. Honestly I'm glad it ended I was able to focus on becoming an idol and I did it. I don't know what I would have done if I forgave you and left my dream"


"Lets be honest you only want me now because of my success if you really wanted to make up you would have done it years ago and don't use my parents as an excuse you know they won't force me to marry you. You know you just ruined the most important thing for me if I didn't already hate you than I hate you now"

I picked myself up and ran to my car as my driver drove I tried to contact Jungkook but I failed I really don't know what I'm going to do

I love him and I can't lose him I just hope I can sort things out with him

Hello my butterflies so I decided to put a picture of kun full name Cai Xukun

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