Chapter twenty-WHAT¿?¿?

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I looked down and there was roses petals on the floor seriously what was going on I was confused but followed the trail

It lead me to the pool that was surrounded by beautiful candles and that's when I saw jungkook holding a bouquet of flowers

It lead me to the pool that was surrounded by beautiful candles and that's when I saw jungkook holding a bouquet of flowers

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I smiled that's where he was

"What's all this kookie"

He handed me the flowers
"A special surprise for a very special person in my life now come this way"

He took me by the hand as he lead me to a table by the pool

Everything was so beautiful as he seated me down I began to appreciate the great effort he must have put in to arrange all of this

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Everything was so beautiful as he seated me down I began to appreciate the great effort he must have put in to arrange all of this

"Lisa I know you haven't had dessert so I prepared your favorite"

He handed me a bowl of chocolate ice cream as well as a strawberry cheesecake

"Aww kookie it's so sweet of you to prepare all of this"

"Well I did owe you a date and I couldn't wait to spend time with you"

"I know I wanted to spend time with you to I really love this surprise but most of all I love you"

"I love you too Lisa"

After that we talked for hours and I really enjoyed spending time with him I got to know even more about him and we found out we have a lot in common

Like favourite colour is yellow and so on
I didn't know it was possible to love him anymore but I did

Fun fact I don't hold my alcohol very well and I get drunk fast so after dessert when we decided to have wine it sounded like a good idea at the time

But I didn't know what I got myself into mainly because I blacked out and can't remember anything

Jungkook POV

The surprise I planned for Lisa was a success I was glad she liked it I loves her and wanted to make her feel special but I was preparing to tell her something else but I figured I should wait a little longer

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