Chapter eighteen-Love

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It's been 3 days and lisa still hasn't woken up I know there isn't anything to worry about the doctors have assured me everything is fine but I really just miss her

Her fans heard about everything that happened and they have been eagerly waiting for her to wake up too

I am currently sitting by her holding her hand thinking as soon as she wakes up I need to tell

I planned it out in my head and I hoped she likes it

~2 days later~

Lisa POV

I opened my eyes I wasn't really sure what was going on than I felt a weight on my hand and I looked down to see jungkook

This looked familiar. That's when my memories came flooding back Kun kidnapped me and was about to marry me when he stabbed me that psycho bastard

After he stabbed me I blacked out that means Jungkook saved me yet again I looked at the sleeping man next to me

I loved him for everything he has done but I felt bad at the same time for making him worry and putting him through all this I honestly didn't deserve someone so great

I laid in the bed not wanting to wake him because by the looks of it he hasn't got much sleep

He started to move in his sleep almost as if he was having a nightmare

"No Lisa please don't leave me...come back"

I was the source of his nightmare he was afraid I would leave so I took my hand and caressed his head in a calming manner

"Shhh kookie I'll never leave you because I love you"

Jungkook POV

I had fallen asleep again next to Lisa holding her hand

I was dreaming that she didn't wake up and had left me I never wanted that to happen I didn't know what I would do if it happened I don't think I'll be able to live knowing she wasn't with me

I felt a hand on my head slowly caressing me it was nice and a very familiar touch
I felt calm from this than she spoke the voice I've been waiting to here for more than a week

"Shhh kookie I'll never leave you because I love you"

I got up and looked into her beautiful eyes
She was finally up I smiled at her

"You're up"

She smiled back and I couldn't control my self I hugged her but not with to much force because she was still recovering she instantly hugged me back

"I'm so happy you are alright I missed you"

"I missed you to kookie and I know you was worried so I want to apologize"

"None of that matters now that I have you"

"Kookie you look terrible have you even slept?"

"Well you see not really I've been to worried"

"You come lay next to me this minute you need to sleep"

She moved over a bit and gestured to the space next to her I wasn't going to argue so I laid down next the her

She came closer to me and put her head on my chest this felt right and this felt comfortable. I never wanted to leave her side again and I never will

With that I fell asleep

~4 Hours later~

Tae"Hey lover boy it's time to get up"

I opened my eyes to see no Lisa but a Taehyung next to me

"Where's Lisa?"

"Gone to get changed they going to discharge her she said not to wake you but we are about to leave unless you want to stay here I'll take lisa home"

When he said that I instantly sat up

"I'll take my girlfriend home"

Tae laughed at my action and we made our way outside

"You up"

"Yep is it time to go?"

"Yep Namjoon oppa and Tae oppa arrived and the doctors said I could go home now after they checked my vitals they said it's all good so Namjoon oppa is completing the forms than we can leave"

"Did you just call them Namjoon and Tae oppa"

"Yeah they are my oppa's and they told me it was fine"

Tae"don't tell me you are jealous"

"Awww you so cute when you jealous"

"I'm not"

I pouted that's when Lisa kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ears

"I love you"

That's when I smiled and looked over to her and whispered back

"Love you too"

Namjoon"Okay I'm done we can leave now
Tae and I will go first to get the car okay"

With that they left and I grabbed hold of Lisa's hand as we made our way outside there were so many fans and reporters

"Lisa how are you?"

"How is your condition?"

And many other questions show just how concerned about her I'm happy Lisa has such great fans

We made our way to the van and drove off

"Lisa when you up to it I think you should do a vlive to let your fans know how you are because while your were in hospital they camped outside waiting for news of your recovery"

"Okay I'll do that maybe tomorrow or today if I'm not to tired"

We took Lisa back to her dorm where her members were but I felt sad I had to leave her

"I don't want to leave you"

"I also don't want you to leave but because of me you missed so much so you need to sleep and get back to your schedule"

"I know but I couldn't work while you were in that state"

"I know but I'm fine now when you have time we can go on a date OkAy"

"If you say so but be prepared because when ever I'm free I'm gonna be calling you"

"Yes I'll prepare myself for that now go I'll head inside"

He hugged me and than just before he could let go he pulled me in and kissed me

The kiss was passionate and filled with love
He has to stop and go and when he did I felt myself long for his lips and his touch I missed him and he didn't even leave the driveway what was I going to do away from him for so long I though

I turned around and entered the dorms
I was greeted with all my members and...

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