Chapter eleven-The kiss

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Jungkook POV

Today was the day Lisa and I would be filming a teaser for the music video

I manager came "Jungkook you ready we have to go now"

"Yes I'm ready let's go"

With that we left

~At the shooting sight~

I entered and saw Lisa already doing her makeup

She looked amazing I went to tell her hi but my manager stopped me"There is no time you can talk to her later we have to get you to hair and makeup"


After I was done with hair and makeup the director had called both me and Lisa

Director"So for this scene we won't do anything fancy I just want to show than you'll are in love so Jungkook you going to be looking for and went you don't find her you with start to panic a bit"

"So I'm going to try and find her"

Director"Yes and after a while Lisa you will appear,Jungkook when you find her you must have a look of relief and longing, okay so you'll understand that's the first scene "

We both nodded and the shoot began. Everything went well and we were done for the day

We headed to the dressing to to change and I decided that I'm going to tell Lisa today over supper that I needed to invite her for

I finished up and was waiting for Lisa at the film site the crew was busy packing when I noticed Lisa coming my way I was extremely nervous

As she was walking towards me I saw a staff member screaming watch out I turned my attention to what he was looking at. I saw a beam falling and it was about to hit Lisa who was oblivious of what was going on so I jumped up with out thinking and pulled her out of the way

In the process causing us to fall she was on top of me and she slightly picked her head up to see the scene next us with the beam on the floor she immediately buried her head back into my chest she was scared and shaken up by what happened so I patted her head in a calming manner

We stayed there for a minute before I heard someone clear their throat I looked up and it was Lisa's manager

Lisa got out of her state of shock she held herself up on her elbows

"Lisa you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit shaken up but thanks to you I feel much better and thank you for saving me"

As we exchanged words her manager was looking anxious so he came over

"Okay you'll can talk more standing up"

We looked at him and realised what position we were in so Lisa attempted to get up but her hand slipped and she fell...kissing me

I was taken back by what just happened and so was she

We quickly broke apart from each other and she got up but we noticed fans outside and they were taking pictures


~10 minutes later~

Lisa is currently sitting with me in my car it's awkward to say the least

Lisa POV

So after the accidental kiss it was really awkward between us both of us refusing to talk I though maybe he felt offended by the kiss

Which lead me to wonder was it really that bad?

What ever it was I couldn't take the silence
We were going to have dinner together and I won't be comfortable if this is how the atmosphere is so



"About earlier I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologising it was an accident"

"You see I though after that happened it was so awkward so I though maybe I offended you"

"What No I'm sorry if you though that way I thought that I made you feel uncomfortable because of what happened so I wanted to give you space"

"I guess we both misunderstood the situation how about we just move on from this?"

"Yeah let's do that"

We smiled at each other I'm glad our misunderstandings was cleared but I kept thinking about the kiss I couldn't help it

A part of me longed for his soft lips on mine again it was no secret I had feelings for him but I was confused I didn't want what happened in the past to repeat itself I don't think I'll be able to take it

But Jungkook has proved he is nothing but good and caring

When I'm with him I feel safe and he is always there to comfort me no matter what I'm going through and I really appreciate him for it

Now I'm sure of my feelings towards him but the question is does he feel the same way?

Jungkook POV

As I was driving I noticed e Lisa was deep in thought I was wondering whether she was also thinking about the kiss

I was happy she didn't feel uncomfortable by what happened. It's just the more I get to know Lisa as a person the more I'm drawn to her

She has a wonderful personality and she is beautiful and amazingly talented

I really like her and today I was going to tell her no matter what I want our relationship to move forward and I just hope she feels the same way

When dating I always have my girlfriend accuse me of not loving her because I don't have time but in this industry it's hard to make time especially if you'll date in secret but none of them understood

I'm hoping since we on the same industry she will understand me better and I can do the same I also know how much pressure one can be put under in this industry

I want to be there for her when she has a hard day just to listen to her and hug her so she knows someone's there for her that's what will make me happy

Both of us fell into a comfortable silence until we arrived

"We are here"

"Good cause I'm starving. I didn't get to eat anything"

"I know me too since we were to busy"

I got out of the car and headed over to open the door for Lisa she seemed to like the gesture and we linked arms before entering the restaurant

As we were about to reach the door a swarm of people crowded us and started asking questions

"Can you'll explain the pictures take by fans of you'll kissing?"

"What was that about"

"We know you'll are couple but in the pictures you'll seem to be in the compromising situation"

"May thought you'll were fake dating and following the trend in Hollywood publicity dating"

"What do you'll have to say?"

Our agencies though us never to respond on the spot if it's a serious issue because anything we say if not we'll though out could lead to an even bigger problem

But I couldn't help but want to talk back

"We understand your concern about the incident and we appreciate that you'll are worried so to clear it up we are not dating for publicity and the reason we were surprised in the photo is because it was an accidental kiss"

"No more questions please we would like to have a peaceful dinner together so if you'll excuse us"

With that we made our way inside the restaurant and

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