Chapter fifteen-Lisa!!!

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Jungkook POV

After leaving Lisa I went to my quite place so I could think I really though of what her ex told me and than I realized how stupid I was not to believe her

She is part of blackpink the biggest K pop girl group I mean she already has so much attention why would she want more and we were forced to date we didn't have a choice

If she didn't have feelings for me we could of just stayed the way we were in a fake relationship but she also wanted something real

I was stupid to believe someone I've never met over Lisa's words I looked at my phone and realized Lisa tried calling so I tried calling back

"Sorry the number you have dialed is currently unable please try again"

Why was her phone not reachable she just tried to call me 15 minutes ago


Lisa was my everything I loved her how could she say she loves someone else I was so deep in though think about her trying to caught up with her  at I didn't notice a driver in the back of her car start to speed up

Was someone trying to hurt Lisa?
As I was trying to figure out what was going on the driver accelerated and than the next thing I know Lisa's car and the person's collided


I stopped my car and went to check on her but she was knocked out so I pulled her out of her car and called an ambulance

I would stay with her but if word gets out it won't be good so instead I leave her

But I'll be back...

Lisa POV

I was trying to call Jungkook but I wasn't getting through so I decided to text him after I looked at the text I was about to send, a car hits us from behind and everything goes black

But before it when black I said

"Kookie I love you"

As a tear escaped from my eye and that's when the darkness engulfed me

Jungkook POV

I called Lisa's members to ask if they have seen her but they said they don't know I was about to leave to look for her when I got a call

"Hello you are saved as honey does this phone belong to your wife?"

"No my girlfriend who are you and why do you have her phone?"

"I'm a nurse this phone belongs to the patient can you please come to the Seoul Hospital or contact the guardian of the person"

"I'll be right here"

No No  No this can't be happening I can't lose her I thought I wander what happened I rush over to the hospital

"Hello can you please tell me where Lisa is I got a call"

"Ohh yes you looking for Lalisa Manoban"


"First who are you to the patient"

"I'm her boyfriend"

"Okay please fill in the forms she has been involved in a car accident and she needs to undergo surgery"

"Surgery is it that serious"

"You see she lost a lot of blood and we suspect internal bleeding so please pay the bill and we will get started right away"

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