Chapter twenty seven-So much has happened 2

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In the pass four years there has also been hurdles for one couple

Jimin and Chae

Jimin and Chaeyoung loved each other deeply but they always had a way of hurting each other it was not their fault they were confused with their feeling

Unsure if this was a phase that would pass or this was in fact love unlike the other member they had to figure out these feeling and work through a lot of stuff together

They were afraid of the commitment. For now they wanted to focus on their careers or so they thought and that's what they did for the last year chaeyoung and Jimin have been working hard in their careers

Chaeyoung was know as the most famous model for top brands like Gucci and many other famous brands

Jimin had opened a dance school under his name but with all this happening he was thinking

He knew he loves Chae and he though they should take it slow but..

Jimin POV

Not gonna lie commitment scared me I was afraid I would not be able to keep Chaeyoung happy

And to see her sad would break my heart, at first I didn't want to admit it but I do love her and want to spend forever with her but we are young and still have plenty of time before we settle down that's what Chae said to me

But I want the world to know that she is mine and I'm hers I wanted to commit my whole self to her

I think it was time to make her mine but I was nervous unsure how she would react but I had to try

So I planned something special for her at the concert we were having  together I hope she sees I'm serious about us

Chaeyoung POV

Jimin and I have worked through a lot together we have had many ups and downs but we always seem to find out way back to each other

I love him I really do and seeing my members getting married made me desire for the same but I'm aware Jimin is not ready for that and I would never push him into it

Even if I had to wait forever I'll gladly do it for Jimin

Today was our concert I may have forgot to point out that we released an album together after the bts blackpink couple album came out

I was getting ready lost in though when

Staff"You up in 5"

I nodded and got myself ready but the question was where was Jimin I hadn't seen him but I presumed he was in a different dressing room but only I was standing at the bottom of the stairs leading to the stage

In rehearsal we were suppose to stand together and enter together but where was he I asked a staff member

Chae"Have you seen Jimin?"

Staff"I'm sorry but no and that's your cue make your way on stage now"

Where was he. I was beginning to panic what if something happened to him

Nevertheless I couldn't let my fans be disappointed maybe he is just running late or something I take a deep breath and make my way on stage

There were flowers covering the stage I was confused this was not in the rehearsal I looked at the middle of the stage and there stood a nervous Jimin What was going on?

I made my way to the center of the stage and looked at Jimin he than done something I only dreamt he'd do

I made my way to the center of the stage and looked at Jimin he than done something I only dreamt he'd do

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